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The archon without direction or destination on its way


"What are you? I mean . . . er . . . well . . ."

"Me? Why I'm a board of direction; but I don't actually have a direction. That's the point, I'm all direction and no destination." I don't know why I just asked that. What an embarrassing question to ask. What was on my mind? Was I thinking about what it would be like to be an archon? Why would I think that? I'm an archon.

"Arright then," said Michael, "I'll try not to interrupt again."

To my bewilderment, Mikey didn't even seem to understand. I do understand, I'm an archon. My family was archon, I'm an archon. I'm an archon and I understand. It's all very clear to me. Yes I understand.

"What is it you're doing here?" I asked. "Have you come to convert me?"

Michael laughed. "I . . . well . . . I . . . I don't actually believe in any of that stuff you people believe, but I do think your family are funny."

It was a strange conversation. I could feel something wrong with this conversation and I wanted us to move on.

"I may be strange, but now's not really the time to talk about it. Why are you here?"

"I . . . er . . . well . . . "

"Why are you here?"

"I . . . I haven't got a clue."

Michael looked so confused I knew it was time to move on.

"Then go then," I said, "and you may be right, you may be wrong. Just don't disobey your orders, don't seek out the light, only obey. You might be here for hundreds of years, no, thousands of years, possibly forever. But I think if you ask me nicely, please, you might be here for a few minutes. Suddenly I feel like I could use someone to talk to. You're from Mikey's family aren't you?"

"I . . . I think so, I mean . . . I'm not sure."

"Look you don't really exist, you're a story I make up for Michael. He's not here. Michael is Michael and he's not here. It's just me. I'm here and that's me." Started to get a bit freaky and I felt like people could come to me any minute. I think I might have started seeing things. I felt a bit creepy.

Michael suddenly seemed a bit freaked out and very unsure, he kept checking his watch and I could tell he was tired. I was tired too.

"I can't do this all day I need to sleep and I have to go home now."

Michael started to shake and he looked a bit frightened. I wondered if it was the first time he'd prophesied so I tried to calm him down and ask a few more questions.

"I think you've exhausted your time here and you need to go home if you haven't already. Michael is Michael, you're just some guy who lives inside him. I think you need to go home while you still have time."

"Does this mean you don't know where home is?"

"No, I know where home is, I just don't want to go home. I think I'm free and I'm going nowhere. What happens if I stop?"

I could see the panic in his face and he was shaking a bit. He said something and I couldn't make out what he said so I had to ask him to repeat it.

"I . . . I don't know and I don't want to. Please just go away."

He disappeared as quickly as he came and I think I'll try and sleep now. He wasn't too bad and I suppose I'll try and get used to him. Maybe I might actually enjoy his company. Maybe he can be a bit of a guide around here. But he must seem more like a friend than guide.

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