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CineTV Community Posting Guidelines

CineTV Community Posting Guidelines.png

Recently we've seen some extremely questionable postings within our community and I wanted to take a little bit of time and lay out our expectations for posting in our community and what we will, and will not, curate. Primarily, we are more interested in seeing your opinions, feelings, and impressions of a movie or television show as opposed to just a regurgitation of the characters and plot. We are seeing a severe amount of content that is just blatant spinning of information from Wikipedia or IMBD and that is NOT what this community is about.

If it is not your creation, ideas, thoughts, or writings, then you CANNOT use it!

Things would we would love to see and support would be:

  • Movie/Series Reviews
  • Character/Plot Analysis
  • Upcoming Movies
  • Filmmaking techniques/tutorials
  • Music Videos with some insight into the filming/production
  • Production Diaries
  • Indie Spotlights on films and TV
  • Hollywood Gossip
  • World cinema
  • Information/analysis of industry professionals or iconic stars!

Items we will not support and that are not welcome in our community:

  • Plagiarized, spun, stolen, reworded, copy and paste, recycling posts
  • Splinterlands posts
  • Photos with no explanations and/or descriptions
  • Non related content
  • Short form social media
  • Images MUST be cited and from sites that allow sharing

We want everyone to feel at home in our beautiful CineTV family, but sourcing is a necessity and plagiarism will not be tolerated.

More than anything, we want to hear from YOU...your thoughts about movies or television. Your take on plots or techniques. How has film and television affected your life? What has cinema taught you....what does it mean to you? To us, that is much more valuable and entertaining than just reciting plot elements from IMBD or Wikipedia. We love all of our members and we want all of you to grow with us as we see how epic this beautiful community can become. If you have any questions about sourcing, plagiarism, or anything else, we are always available in our Discord linked below!

Note about plagiarism. We have seen some really great posts that failed to source their pictures and so we were not able to curate them properly. Remember to only post YOUR OWN work and to properly source the photos that you use that are not your own. We have an entire team dedicated to finding and reporting plagiarism and abuse. Plagiarism is THEFT and has no place in our CineTV family! Thanks...we love you all!


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