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Take actions now..ecotrain QOTW..

How long will you keep pushing your luck far away from you?? How long will you keep procrastinating ?? Hope you know time is not waiting for anyone??

You have always be waiting for so long now and nothing has changed , you are afraid to follow your heart and brain , you are scared of taking that bold step , how long are you going to keep allowing fear to stop you from success??

How long will you keep doing the same thing and expect different results??

Those that succeeded have just one head like you , they do no have two heads..

If they made it , you can make it too.

Do not LIMIT yourself...you are a great individual who have great things to help make the society great.

You were born the way those great men were born too , they are not different from you..

You are special too , you have the power to create a great life that you desire.

Quit complaining!!!! The complaints will not bring the change you desire..what brings the change?? TAKE ACTIONS...take the damn actions ..

If you have to crawl then crawl , if you have to walk then walk , if you have to run then run , but what matters is that you should just keep moving..keep moving...you will reach the final destination someday..

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