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Why have I not been here for a while?

Not because I didn´t want to

The explanation is simple, and yet not so very simple. It was because I was, and still am very tense due to 2 main causes. The first was that my dog ​​had to have an operation on her teeth and that while she has an enlarged heart, which, in addition to the normal risk of anesthesia, was even more risky! I really was very afraid of losing her but luckily it went well and she's the dog again as before the toothache.


My dog is not the only who needed surgery

And the 2nd cause is the upcoming surgery for myself. My right big toe is crooked, growing under the other toe, and that's quite painful. Well, of course I didn't get that within a couple of weeks, this has been going on for a long time, only it became extra painful for about 4 months before I got the appointment with the orthopedist. Especially when I was walking it was very painful because I got pains shooting through my whole foot. After a telephone appointment with the GP, she knows the problem, an appointment was made with the orthopedist in the hospital. X-rays were made of the foot, which showed that there was also osteoarthritis in the toe, leaving only 2 options. Or securing the toe joint, Or always having to walk around with adapted shoes. And if you need, you´ll have to go with them, but if I could avoid the very expensive costs with surgery, I knen I would choose for that. And so the choice was not difficult! Surgery it would be ;-) Secure it! And that will finally happen this Friday, after a waiting period of more than 3 months.

foto with a trial from istockphoto

Tension, even though I made the choice myself!

And when I have tension in my body, I have little to no inspiration for anything….. I block as it were. And I try to get through it anyway by staying creative, even if it's just coloring stamps, relaxing and soothing!


Staying Creative

This butterfly is coloured with the Derwent Coloursoft pencils, and i have used a blender pencil to blend the colours.


Stop and smell the roses

These roses i have colored with Spectrum Noir Metalic pencils, just as the hydrangea underneath this photo.


Let´s get it done!

Now it is slowly time to look ahead, and think about the time ahead. It will be a quiet July month for me for a while. But I am looking forward to it, because after that quiet month of July there are still many months and hopefully years ahead of me that I can work more actively on my condition. That, of course, has not happened in recent months.

So despite the tension in my body I still say ... let it happen, let it be over. Then it is time to recover and finally look further ahead!

All photos are my own except for the photo of the feet for which I linked to the source

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