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For the Love of Poetry, Philosophy & Spirituality


I love soulful conversation. Not trivial, gossipy chatter, but question, profound exchanges about the meaning of life and why we are, here.

As a young man, my first introduction to the Big Questions was poetry, with its combination of celebrating beauty and depth, at the same time.

Later, as a teenager and in my twenties, I graduated to philosophy which, while rewarding, I admit was also destructive (with its emphasis on doubt).

Lately, I'm fortunate to have developed a more meaningful appreciation and find there both poetry and a constructive, life-affirming philosophy.

I have this in mind having had contemplative and meditative talks over the weekend about Good & Evil, Politics & Mysticism, Evolution & Decadence, the Seen & Unseen worlds and their interconnectness.

Here's a poem of mine that touches on these elusive subjects & their interconnectedness. I hope you enjoy it & that it spurs you to your own reflections.

The Unclassifiables

At a round table they sat, called a truce
to discuss the indestructible world
and meditate upon eternal things

Like triplets, separated at birth
each possessed a portion of their truth
yet only made sense in unison

Tired of jockeying for position
addressing mind, body or spirit, alone
they came, like jealous gods, to save us

Unable to shirk their messianic callings
together they preached liberation,
through odes to joy and manuals of love

With myth and parable, the defiant muse
reminded us of the art of being present
and then how to vanish without a trace

More variations on the old themes: of exile,
homecoming, how to cut to the essence
of our humanity and unquenchable thirst

In the corner of a small bookshop, they convened
Philosophy, Spirituality and Poetry
temporarily reconciled to share their wisdoms.


Cover image: free photo by Jonas Ferlin from Pexels

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