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Thoughts on the Daily focus rewards changes + Giveaway

Daily focus changes.png

The new ranked rewards update is going through some little changes to fix what was broken in my opinion. Has a diamond III player it was extremely frustrating to be placed in Gold III at the beginning of the season while trying to farm RP's to claim diamond tier chests.
I spent a lot of time playing only to open 3 or 4 chests since at the beginning of the season it is harder to climb and I get way fewer RP's per win on Gold III.

I was considering Staying in Gold 1 this season to make the grind a little easier at the beginning. Until I saw that Splinterlands will be making some changes!

The type of the Daily Focus reward chests will now be based on the players' current league at the time that Focus begins, instead of the highest league achieved during the previous season.

This is great news for me! This way we can grind lower-tier chests while our RP rewards are low and slowly progress to better chests as we start gaining more RP's per battle. This change only applies to the daily focus chest, the Season chest will keep the old system.

To learn about all the changes implemented yesterday head over to https://docs.splinterlands.com/platform/release-notes


⚔️ The rules:

  • Upvote / Follow or Re-post is not mandatory but it is greatly appreciated.
  • You just have to comment. If you use a different username on Splinterlands please mention the account where you want to receive the cards.
  • Only one comment per person

The winner will be picked by a randomizer and will be announced on next week's giveaway post.

⚔️ Cards for this week:

Djinn Apprentice.png

Cards will rotate splinter every week, Fire -> Water -> Earth -> Life -> Death -> Dragon -> Neutral. This week if you win you will receive one Djinn Apprentice.

⚔️ Last week's winner:

Screenshot 2022-06-29 at 16.16.44.png

I'm currently using this tool to randomly pick one comment to win the giveaway.

@rayius was the lucky winner from last week's giveaway! I will send your reward right away!

Screenshot 2022-06-29 at 16.15.25.png

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