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What I see in this picture.....

What do you see in this picture?


Perhaps some random colours and structures, two multicolor houses beside which there are structures with green and brown colour (perhaps you have guessed these are trees). A painting with messy colours. Is there anything else that you see in it? (Let me know if there is)

Well, I see a lot in it. I see growth. I see development. I see understanding and organization. I see preferences and priorities. I see a mindset. I see the impact of my teachings. I see a a whole world with in.

This is a drawing that my 5 year-old son has recently drawn and painted. 3 days ago when he recovered from his illness (that lasted for two weeks), he wanted to do something. He asked me for a paper, a pen, water colours and painting brushes. I gave him all the things and left him with those things so that he may enjoy doing his stuff without having any influence of my presence.

To my surprise, he first drew these two houses with free hand


I didn't know before that he can draw the lines with this much accuracy without any assistance. This is an indication of development of his fine-motor skills and the strength of his grip. In addition, it represents his confidence, judgement and decision making about where to start something and where to end. I see he has tried to connect the lines and edges quite perfectly. Where his lines couldn't meet, he extended them a bit to join them completely.

Besides, he made a door and window for ventilation. It represents his observations about the necessary elements for a house. Then he painted each compartment with a different colour. I have noticed him several times, he loves to colour one object with multiple colours. He is of the idea that it is a way to make things colourful, and thus beautiful. 😀 That's his perception of beauty.

After being done with houses, he moved to making trees.


First, he drew the biggest one. Then he made the two little ones. I was around (not beside) him doing my own stuff. I heard him saying "Where to draw the mamma tree? There is no place left I asked him, "What have you drawn?. He pointed towards the biggest one, "This is the Baba (Father) tree". Then pointing towards the small trees he said, "This is Bhayya (elder brother) tree" and "This is me". Worriedly he asked where "I should draw the Mamma tree? There is no place left for another one" I smiled and told him it was ok to have three trees there but he kept on thinking for a while and then he started drawing the forth. It hid behind the house but he didn't compromise on its tallness, you see. After drawing that, he told me happily that he had drawn the Mamma Tree. Oh! My loving boy!

He drew his family (as we are four Father, mother and two kids). He not only wanted to complete the family but also keep them together. The sizes of the tree he made are indicative of his perception about how he looks at his family.

After painting the trees, he made these figures on the left
and then asked me to give him the smallest (zero sized) painting brush. I told him it was misplaced. He said that he couldn't paint these structures with the big brushes he used to paint the remaining drawing. So, he left it without colours.

I asked him what he had drawn. He said, "These are two kids who are throwing wrappers in the bins." I hugged him for this. It filled me with joy because it showed my success in teaching good habits in my kid.
Littering is one of the biggest problem of my country. Rich and poor, knowledgeable and ignorant, adults and children, all are into the habit of littering. I always tell my kids to not throw the garbage of any kind anywhere other than bins. It is difficult to teach your kids a behavior that is opposite to a prevalent public behavior, but I did it and I am so happy for this. His drawing is representative of his mindset.

The play and drawings of kids represent a lot about what is going on within their mind. Observing their leisures is an effective way to get an insight into their growth and problems. By observing simple things, we can see a whole world there as I saw in this simple drawing.


images are taken by my mobile camera

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