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Stop Stealing, Prick

I've noticed a few cases of plagiarism within the Proof Of Brain community over the past couple of days. One of them was a cross-post after further inspection but the other was blatant and after commenting there were edits made (didn't really help at all).

Surprisingly, or maybe not, the same author has posted again after I commented and yet again it's blatant plagiarism with shoddy attempts to differentiate the content from its origins.


image courtesy - Michael Dziedzic

I'm not going to share the post or the author, I just wanted to make a brief post here to bring up the fact that it's present and it won't be the last case. Be vigilant and responsible with your votes.

My thoughts on the matter are that we will more than likely see a majority of plagiarised posts here in POB that are informational articles in nature. We've had multiple discussions about how the name of the community can give a sense that intelligence is the focus. This is not necessarily the case.


I've shared this before but I think we need to come up with a better copypasta since I would rather not quote the STEEM bluepaper all the time;

Proof of Brain: Smart and Social Tokens
Token systems that reward users as they contribute to a token-based community system require mechanisms for establishing and evaluating content’s social value: we call this “Proof-of-Brain.”

The POB tag can ultimately be used on any post, how it's received and appreciated is another story. The community is going to determine what they want to see more of and what they do not. I think we can all agree that we don't want to see content stolen from others.


Use your head, don't steal other people's shit, point out other people who are for the community.

I've not been downvoting any content, just commenting with links to the copied posts so others can see clearly. No idea what the next steps would be, I'm not the police.

If you have the time, please drop by to this post by @madstacks. He's sharing some ideas about tags here on POB and I think it's something important to discuss and get involved with.

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