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Change Your Thought - Game Changer !


If my mind can conceive it and my heart can believe it then i can achieve it again i'm sure you know that everything starts with a thought – Muhammad Ali

Hi boys and girls , #hive a good day everyone

Today, we’re going to look at some key tips for staying inspired and motivated in life and learn how to put our minds in the right place for happiness and success. so sit back and relax and let's get started on finding your inner power.

Secret of Positive Thinking

As the saying goes everything starts with a thought, and it's true.

Every choice we make every action we take is the result of a thought, therefore it stands to reason that our thoughts have a great deal of power over our lives. If we want to be successful we need to think positive thoughts, if we want to be happy we need to focus on the good.

Of course this is always the case not easy, life can be challenging and it's natural for negative thoughts to creep in from time to time. But, if we are mindful of our thoughts and make a choice to focus on the positive aspects. we can create the life we want, it is so powerful to be able to catch ourselves thinking something negative and then to stop and ask ourselves ;

“is this really the kind of thought that will lead to the life i want?”, then choose wisely.

We are what we repeatedly do, Aristotle said that centuries ago and he's right. we can't control everything in our lives not even close, but the power to choose is ours. Every time you take a step forward or backwards depends on your thoughts. So, whether they're be positive ones like focusing on how good your day is going or even how grateful you are by
just being you.

Every day we are faced with a choice. What kind of thoughts are we going to think it may not seem like a big deal, but the truth is that our thoughts have a huge impact on our lives. They make us or they break us.

The way we think about ourselves our circumstances and our future all play a role in shaping our lives. Choose your thoughts wisely and you'll be well on your way to success and happiness, choose them poorly and you'll find yourself stuck in a rut of negative and self-doubt.

Let’s start choosing your thoughts more carefully today and may and see see the difference it makes in your life. #hollowins

Finding Your Focus and Innerpeace

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