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How I almost got scammed on Instagram

Human nature is filled with curiosity. Don't tell me you do not always wish to know more, research, explore etc?
Human nature is sometimes filled with naivety. We believe what sounds good and do not use our mind or extra time to investigate it.

Our good, naive, curious nature is something that thieves worldwide take advantage of. And this causes lots of people to lose money, personal belongings, and sometimes more important things in their life.

Internet and socializing through it, makes the job for scammers even easier. Lots and lots of new people to reach out to. And this ultimately leads them to even more scams, even more money.

So, tell me. Do you feel safe online?

I am very cautious, very scared and always try to keep certain rules & guidelines. I use social media for a long time, and there were many scammers trying to get my accounts or make me click various links. Check this link where a scammer tried to steal my account.


Yesterday, it was a different approach.

Somebody followed me on Instagram and simply complimented me for my photographs. BUT. He asked if I would be open for a partnership. I knew something was wrong, so I wanted to see where this was going.


Of course, he was discussing NFTs!! He tried to make me believe that he wanted to introduce me to a great platform where I could sell my photos.


I immediately wanted to see which platform he was referring to.
His profile did not have any link at all.

If he was an artist, you would think that he needed to have a link to his profile, no?
His profile had some cool NFT photos, but no links, no mentions, nowhere to see where I could buy them! I was certain that he was no artist.

But why would it be bad for me to sign up in a new platform? Something was fishy there..

He suggested a specific platform where the user should sign up.
The video of a successful NFT he showed me was from Open Sea :)


Then he goes on...
I can sell my photos for $1500 each!

Too good to be true?


Ok, what could be wrong? I would just sign up and see what happens..
I did not feel good connecting my wallets to a site I do not trust.

But.. there has to be another catch!


There it is!

100 $ to promote my work!

Amazing, right!

I kept asking him questions.
I wanted to reveal more about him.

But when he understood I would not go through, he simply said that I am not serious... :(


So what would you do if you were me?
How would you handle this and most importantly, how do you think that we can report this or help others from being scammed?

I dont have proof of the scam, but asking for people to give money is scam enough for me.

I was thinking of reviewing the website at a separate post. Because maybe users will be searching for it.

Any ideas?
Let me know :)

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