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Why We Value Short Term Riches Over Long Term Wealth

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Short-term gains are often valued over long-term wealth. Many people believe that short-term riches are more important than long-term wealth because they feel that it is easier to lose short-term money than it is to maintain and grow a large sum of money over time. This thinking can be traced back to ancient times when most people believed that possessions were meant for temporary use and not for accumulation or storage. People also believed in an “idle rich man” who could live comfortably without working hard, since his income would come from rents or other sources that didn't require much effort on his part.

When we refer to wealth, we usually think of it in terms of long-term gains. We plan for it, save for it, and hope it will grow over time. However, short-term wealth can also be important. It can give us a sense of security and financial stability in difficult times. It can help us to cover costs and live comfortably.

In many cases, we value short-term wealth over long-term wealth. We are more likely to spend money we have in short-term formats, like cash or savings accounts. We are also more likely to borrow money and spend it quickly. We may not think of it this way, but these actions are detrimental to our long-term riches. When we spend money quickly, we reduce the amount of money we have available to invest. This is because investments make money over time, while spending does not

The consequences of valuing short-term riches over long term wealth are clear. Over time, this approach will reduce our overall wealth. We will not have as much money to save, invest, or bail us out in times of need. We will also be less able to cover costs and live comfortably in difficult times. It is important to remember that short term riches are not always equal to long term wealth. When we are thinking about wealth, we should consider both short and long term gains.


We should not value short term riches over long term wealth when making decisions about our finances. This will prevent us from reducing our overall wealth over time and will allow us to cover costs and live comfortably in difficult times

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