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Hive Punks Market Volume breaks 114,000 Hive


As I previously talked about, I am working on Hive Punks Market History 2.0 which includes all transactions for Hive Punks Market.

I have parsed all blocks since the launch of Hive Punks and extracted all the market orders since then. As I prepare the new DB and interface, I had some fun looking through some queries to get an idea of the volume as well as a few other things that interested me.

Since launch, the Hive Punks Market has done over 114,000 Hive!

While this is around $100K USD right now, much of it was done during $2 and even $3 Hive prices making the market volume somewhere around $200K+ USD. That's pretty freaking amazing for a project only around for about 2 months.

Put in perspective, that's over half of the total minting cost of 200,000 Hive.

I'm pretty excited about the new Market History as it will allow me to analyze and provide a lot more data. For example the other day @javie said he had no clue how much he has sold on the market, if any. While I was able to manually look by parsing the extracted transactions, I can now just easily query the database and know.


On the flip side, I can see he bought even more off the market.


Seeing as I have all the rarities in the same database, I'll also be able to figure out how much each rarity sells for on average and even recently.

It will also be easy to analyze specific users to see their volume, average purchase and sell prices, and other statistics that were not possible previously.


This change also allows me to pull the rarity of a Punk and display it on the market history page, something that was not as easy to do previously.

I still have a bit more work to do before Market History 2.0 is launched, but I wanted to share the market volume I discovered and the progress.

If you are curious about the biggest market sales, I did a query for any sale over 1,000 Hive.


A few have asked for a roadmap for Hive Punks, while I don't have anything official, I will share what's on my list for the near future.

Hive Punk Updates

  • Market History 2.0
  • Auctions
  • Filter Punks by attributes
  • Punks Statistics 1.0

I have more updates and ideas on my list, but these are my current priorities.

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