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The advice that moved my finance forward- “Don’t save up, build up”

There is a lot about money that many people do not understand. I am currently reading Psychology of money by Morgan Housel and the first 5 pages is about how having good behavioural skill can save you some financial stress. He talked about a Janitor that died with 8 million dollars in his account and a Tech CEO that died broke. Lifestyle matters and attitude are part of the ways to financial freedom.

While I was growing, the only mindset I had was saving money and seeing millions of dollars in my bank account. I think this will make me a rich man and I will be financially independent like that. So, I got my first job and I don’t want to lose a dime of my money on anything. I saved consistently, but I realized when it got to a point, a need will arise and I would have to cash the money in the bank to fix it. Some needs might be issues from the family, friends, or loved one and few were personal.

Even after working for years, I had nothing in my house just because I want to have enough money in my bank. There are many wrong mindsets about money that people need to change.

I worked for a company for 2 years and 6 months and I had nothing to show for it. After the work, I went broke, and I searched through for another Job. I got another job that pays up to $700 a month. $700 can do a lot on my side of the world. I worked in the company remotely for 13 months. All I did was collect my salary and dump it in the bank. I tried to save up to many millions of naira. But while I was saving, something will come up and I will use the money for it. I got a piece of advice from someone. He said - “Don’t save up, build up.” "Use your money to buy value as little as they come. You will build up and be rich. You don’t have to save millions in the bank to be rich, you need to have assets to be rich". I did not take the advice for many months.

Later, I considered it. When I got paid, I invested little in crypto, bought a few things physically, and saved a little. I started buying physical and digital assets. Then I understand the phrase “Don’t save up, build up”. You may never make that huge million in your life, but you can leverage on the pennies that are dropping in your pocket and become a millionaire, in dollars, or your local currency. The main thing is to be rich in assets and values.

You don’t need to save up, just build up.

My name is @tykee (Balogun Michael), a software developer/content writer and the founder of Meshboc Limited. I use my content to share my opinions on tech, lifestyle, and finance.

Discord: tykee#8770


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