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The admissions list had just come out with Jane's name boldly written on it. "Yes! Finally",she thought as she flips her hair and makes a sharp cute turn and catwalks through the hallway like the princess of the kingdom. She had finally gotten admitted at the third time of trying. "finally, I'll be free from that jerk" she concluded as she slots her earpods back into her ears and turns on the music in her phone and starts nodding and bouncing to the beat not minding that she was on the road. She got all giggly and smiley, greeting everyone and anyone with excessive enthusiasm.

"Good evening mom. Good evening dad" Jane strolled in and without waiting for a reply, blurted out excitingly "I just got admitted" with both hands in the air and a smile as wide as the Atlantic Ocean. Congratulations rained down on her as she jumped around in excitement.

Just as she was about to step out of the sitting room, her elder brother entered. He had just returned from camp.

"Goodbye big brother" she taunted.

"I guess you got admitted" Pete her elder brother responded

"of course I did" she replied

"Congratulations my darling sister" Pete responded "I've got some good news of my own, I've been posted to Benin for my service year. I guess we'll be seeing a lot of ourselves sweet sister" he taunted.

That was when Jane got anxious and walked away as the smile on her face metamorphosed into a frown. "what rotten luck is this?" she thought "I thought I had finally gotten rid of this creep".

She couldn't sleep all through the night, worried about having to contend with her annoying brother for another year. For the first time, she found herself worried about what is to come. "How do I survive with this guy for another year without going insane?" she mused.

Jane was one who believed in the concept of free life, of a life where one was to enjoy the best things that comes her way, the way she wants to enjoy them without interest from anyone, not even her parents. She was a free soul, a sanguine who was usually referred to as the life of the party. There was simply no dull moments with Jane. She was a firm believer in the concept of total freedom. Freedom of speech, of choice, and of movement.

She was never one to worry about what might have been or what is to come. She lived for the present and lets the future decide for itself.

Pete on the other hand was the complete opposite. He was thoughtful, even melancholic. He believed in careful planning. An introvert who did not drink, smoke or party. He spent most of his time studying and researching and barely had any friends. He also believed in the freedom of speech, but was also aware that there's no freedom after speech. He was Jane's nightmare, who always obstructed her partying habits and took it upon himself to make her study. The most annoying part being that he always seemed to outsmart her in all of her maneuvers.

Jane couldn't help but admire his brother sometimes for his numerous qualities, his self control, his magnetic memory and his intelligence. But then these sometimes served to stoke the fires of apathy between them. She usually thought "how can he have all these qualities and I'm left with almost none?"

Two weeks later and they both left for the city of Benin. Despite constant protests by Jane, her parents insisted that they both stay together so her brother could look after her. But then she knew what they meant was so that her brother can watch her movements and make sure she doesn't keep late nights.

Two weeks after their arrival, there was a party for freshmen and there was no way Jane was missing it. She had planned everything out and would lie to her brother that she's going for night class.

On the day of the party, unknown to her that her brother had come across the party flyer online, Jane had succeeded in her scheme and had gone to school to join her friends so they could all go together. All bustling and in celebration mode, Jane got to the venue only to meet Pete at the entrance sipping what looked like a can of beer from the party.

"screw me" she swore under her breath as she moved over to her brother

"what are you doing here?" she queried fuming

"To take you home my love" Pete replied

Jane knew it would be a futile attempt to argue with her brother here, and she would only embarrass herself. So she followed him home after lying to her friends and apologizing for leaving them early. When they got home she spent the whole night worrying about her misfortune with her brother without saying anything to him.

She woke up the following morning to news that those at the party were attacked and robbed by cult boys. That was when she realized that her brother might just be a blessing in disguise and that her worry wasn't necessary.

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