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Weekend Ranked Light Aggro 10/18 Solar Gold


I actually got some Mortal Judgment packs this weekend ranked, which was nice for a change. Anyways, here are some screenshot and comments on how my Weekend Ranked went.

I didn't invent this deck by the way, it currently has an estimated market value of 0.0502 Eth (61$), and an overall win rate of 63% counting 276 matches. I would generally mulligan to get the echo creatures which allowed me to build a strong presence in the early turns, and Thaeric Extorsionist also came in handy to deal with things like Nature's Broccolis and Death's Zombie producing 1/4 creature. Vs Magic I tried to get all my creatures with protection and Ward. Relics come in handy to keep War, Nature and Death's boards in check in the early turns I found. If I could I would try to get down 3 creatures and then buff them with Radiant Dawn as soon as I could. If anyone else has any advice about how to play this deck please let me know in the comments.


Aggro Light did pretty well this weekend ranked in general it looks like, probably because the latest nerfs have been targeting Magic, Deception and Nature mostly. I felt it had a pretty fair chance against all of the other Gods as it is, more or less, and maybe the decks that beat it most easily in my case were aggro Nature decks with strong starts and Big Relic War decks.

Some Weekend Ranked Games

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This is how I lost against a Big Relic War deck, with them buffing their relic after 5 turns and finishing me. Should have mulliganed for relic removal I guess.

Screenshot (123).pngThis Amazon deck sort of got me by surprise, although I did start sort of weak in general, the regen amazon and the sniper that deals random damage, and their damaging god power together helped them a lot to clear my board completely.

Screenshot (119).pngIn this game Deception stole my Pacifist early on and also one of my buff creature spells which together with their annoying minions gave them the winning advantage.

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In this game I did manage to totally overwhelm a Magic deck. I guess they didn't draw enough creature removal.

Screenshot (126).pngHere I managed to win vs Aggro Nature. In these Aggro vs Aggro matches, I feel like it depends on who gains control of the board in the early turns most of the time.


By the way, the current #1 in the ranking is Philosoraptor with a version of the Aggro Light deck, with Highborn Knight. It currently boasts 55 matches overall with a 76.4% win rate.

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