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Lets me introduce myself

Hello , I am so glad to be part of your ecosystem and I hope to actively participate via the different communities of hive ๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ™‚

Who am I ?


Source (Photo from My mobile)

Hello, my name is maha. I'm 23 years old. I m an elementary school teacher. I'm working as a french teacher in primary school. I teach the 6th grade of primary school. I've been teaching for 2 years.


Source (Photo from My mobile)

My passions

I donโ€™t really have a lot of hobbies except for Reading and Music. Iโ€™ve been reading ever since I was 2. Books are my safe place and they help me navigate the world. Those pages are familiar to me, those pages help me think.


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I play the piano and percussion. Iโ€™m in a percussion ensemble, and I have to say, itโ€™s seriously fun. There are so many different types of percussion, and itโ€™s exciting to see, listen to, and play.

I also enjoy listening to Musicโ€” Musical soundtracks, mostly.

Finally, I write. Writing is a hobby because it lets me express my emotions. I write narrative, descriptive, and poetry. Poetry is extremely challenging, but itโ€™s simultaneously rewarding, like surgery.
I have lots of different passions, interests, and hobbies. These are all subject to change in a few years, but for now, Iโ€™m keeping to this list.
I'm passionate about making a difference. When I'm involved with a project at work, I want to do my best to achieve success. I feel the same way about what I do in my personal life.

Cats are very peculiar animals. You will know it if you have ever kept a cat as a pet just like me. I love my cat and enjoy being around her. Cats are playful, cheerful and adorable.


Source (Photo from My mobile)

Why am I here ?

I am very attracted by the enormous potential and the digital evolution. So parallel to my teaching profession, I am enrolled in a specialized training in computer technology. During this training, I discovered the world of Web.3 and especially the power of decentralization and cryptos. More and more passionate and curious about this new universe, I chose to register and participate in the communities of Hive.


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To achieve success in your life, you should:

  1. Believe in yourself
  2. Work hard
  3. Step outside your comfort zone
  4. Donโ€™t give up.
  5. Set big goals.
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