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Leguminous plants can be effectively used as fodder for cattle

Leguminous materials can be used effectively as fodder for cattle, since it is a high producer of leaves, pods, buds and shoots, which are ingested by grazing cattle.

▶ Credits: businesswales – [Image of Public Domain]

▶ Credits: agcenture – [Image of Public Domain]

▶ Another fact is that it can be grazed once it reaches a height of approximately 1 meter. This allows the plant to produce shoots in the lateral and lower parts of the stems, thus restricting its vertical growth, which would be a disadvantage for grazing animals.

For example, leucaena has excellent quality, high protein content, good amino acid balance and is rich in carotenes and vitamins. The crude protein content in young leaves and stems can reach up to 34% and the digestibility of dry matter is higher than 7l%. These values are higher than those normally found in balanced feed.

It is also considered a valuable forage resource that meat and milk producers should take full advantage of. Not only is it an excellent protein bank for cattle feed, but it can be successfully associated with grasses and is very easily adapted to the conditions prevailing in many cattle-raising regions of the world.

▶ Credits: beefresearch – [Image of Public Domain]

For this reason, I am developing works on organic fertilization in leucaena leucocephala seedlings, using completely randomized block experimental designs where the control is included under the indicated concentrations.

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