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The River experiences

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The River experiences

“I noticed a long time ago that people always make grand preparations when they are going to go anywhere near the water, but that they don't bathe that much when they get there“ — Jerome K Jerome

Last weekend we finally got back on the road. As you know, the weekend ends very quickly, so the trip turned out to be short. We decided to visit two cities (T and R) located below us along the river. In total, the mileage was just over 400 kilometers.
On Saturday morning everyone was assembled. The car rumbled rapidly down the highway. After an hour with a little first stop. This is a small city T located on two banks of the great river.


Our tour began with a tour of the main cathedral of the city. This majestic elegant building was erected in the 17th century. Around the same period, the townspeople ordered and paid for the painting of the cathedral.


You can endlessly look at the faces of the saints and unravel the biblical scenes depicted. I was particularly impressed by the image of the Tower of Babel. I don’t remember such an image among the frescoes of our region.


In the image of this biblical story, the moments of the image of real building tools and structures of that time are noteworthy. I was interested in the image of wooden cranes, with the help of which building materials were supplied to the upper floors of the facility under construction. Artists could not know what the architectural structures of ancient Babylon looked like. They depicted the architecture that they could see in their region, or depict something invented by their imagination.


City T is divided by the river into two halves, modern and ancient. To see the temples of the old city, you need to cross to the other side. We moved in the direction of the crossing past the city beach, where I looked at some amusing scenes


You can get to the other side on the river tram, which runs every half an hour. An alternative to public transport are the services of private carriers. Several boatmen do a small business at the crossing. They have their own code, and strictly abide by agreements. Boatmen carry customers in order.


Unfortunately, we did not manage to ride on the ancient river tram. This ship reminded me of my childhood. My mother and I went across the river in the summer to the monastery where she worked as a guide.


The cost of crossing in those places is very cheap. A quick move to the other side did not seem insufficient. I asked the boatman to repeat the crossing several times. Damn, how beautiful it is: the sun, the freshness of the river and the water spray...


End of the first part. To be continued


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