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Fee Structure Changes Coming to Hive-Engine


Hey all, I'm working on a slow progression of how we handle fees on Hive-Engine.

Problem: We want more liquidity.
Current Solution: Use Bee to incentivie staking
Problem: It doesn't work very well
New Solution: Lower Gateway fees and add a fee to trade on Liquidity Pools. Hive-Engine will take no % on the fees for LPs.

We're going to lower the gateway fees from 1% to 0.75% (BSC and ETH fees will remain 1% on withdrawal since there are no fees on deposit).

While doing that we're going to introduce fees on the diesel pools. Pools will now have a 0.25% fee per transaction. Note, 100% of the fees will go to the liquidity provider. Maybe in the future we'll add a small fee to go to Bee token holders, but it's not the next priority.

Anyway, this isn't the final solution. We'll keep tweaking, but we're going to try this out for the next few months and see how it goes.

Changes are planned to go live at 8pm Eastern 1/25/22 (8 days from now). |

Measuring success: If this goes well we'll have deeper liquidity pools provided by more people, and they're generating the best fees in the entire industry for liquidity providers. We'll see.

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