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Creating A Fresh Start; A New Beginning

Everyday we live, we are presented with an opportunity to create a fresh start. It does not matter how your yesterday was and how many times you failed, you still have an opportunity to start again and get things right. Even if you have slipped off the right path, there is still a chance to turn a new leaf and make a reverse. Having a past moment of failure may not be as bad as some people may think it is. What is bad is if the person remains in that state of failure. To overcome the failure of yesterday, you have to move pass it and then focus on starting today on a bright side with positive thoughts that will lead to positive actions.


Image from Pixabay

There are times that the only solution to a particular challenge is to start all over again. I remember during my junior secondary school time, I borrowed an art course. In one of the classes, the instructor taught on how to make sculptures with clay. We were given a piece of clay each to make a particular sculpture piece. After a while of trying and not getting the object, the instructor moved to my desk and gave me a direction of how to get it done. Then he collapsed the clay and told me plainly "start again." I discovered that when I started again, I got the work done with so much ease.

It is true that in life, there are some wrong steps that can be corrected but there are others that can only be redeemed by starting afresh. However, you need a higher level of mental maturity to know the difference. If you are travelling to a place for example and you suddenly discover that you are actually on the opposite route, there is no way to correct the mistake by still being on that route. As a matter of fact, continuing on that route will not make you to arrive at your destination. The only way out is to take a reverse and start afresh and this time, you will start on the right route.

In life, there are times that you will need to initiate a fresh start in order to make a headway in life. The truth is, no matter how far you have gone on the wrong road and no matter how much time you have invested in it, it will not make it right. You only need to start on the right road after you have made a reverse in order to make it right. Remember, even if you have gained an extensive amount of speed, it will not be an added advantage to you if you are on the wrong road. Obviously, the first foundation you need for success is to start on the right path. Starting on the wrong path is just like trying to build a skyscraper on a foundation that is meant for a bungalow, obviously it will collapse one day.

When I was in secondary school, there was a particular calculator I had which has a little reset button at the back. Each time the calculator stalls or stops working, I would punch the little reset button with a broomstick and it will start working again. When you relate this to a life's scenario, you will realize that in more cases than not, starting afresh is like punching the reset button that will give you another fair chance of trial.


Image from Pixabay

Things will continue to go in a certain way until you take a step to make things different. It is when you do something differently that you are set to see a different result. It is worthy to note that without trying again after the first failed attempt, you will not know if you will succeed at it. The requirement for advancing in life is by taking steps, otherwise you will remain at the same spot. This reminds me of the words of my mentor as I conclude with it:

No one moves forward by sitting down but by taking steps

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all

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