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Know Yourself, Discover Who You Are

One of the ultimate discoveries that anyone can make is the discovery of oneself. Before one can manifest on the outside, there is a need for them to awaken what is on the inside of them. That someone is doing something and the person is even making a good success in it does not mean that you will also experience the same level of success in it if you do it. There is a level of ease that comes when you do what you are designed to do and when you function in a place you are capable of.


Image from Pixabay

One thing that normally comes to mind is the question of how to discover oneself. The first thing to note is that what you need to function has been delivered into you, you only need to unleash it. When you observe an eaglet and how it learns how fo fly, it is amazing. Even though it is already born with wings, it does not mean that it will start to fly automatically. There is a need for it to discover how to use its wings and this is done by coming under the tutelage of a mature eagle. In the same way, getting knowledge is one of the fundamental pathways to the discover of oneself.

There are some features and characteristics that you may possess which you may not even be aware of or which you may not know how to appropriate them, but through tutelage and mentoring, you will be exposed more to it. You will be surprised that the knowledge that someone may have spent a life time to accumulate can be passed on to you in a very short time without going through the rigorous process of figuring it out yourself. As a matter of fact, if you are meant to figure out all the knowledge that you want, then you will be very limited. No matter how big your dream is or how brilliant your idea may be, at a point in your life, you will still need to leverage on the knowledge of a mentor.

Take this instance; if you have the dream to be a pilot and you have been dreaming of flying that you believe that you were created for that singular purpose, without going to an aviation school or coming under the tutelage of an aviator, you will not realise the dream. This is why it has been said that "knowledge helps one to discover themself." This is one of the reasons people go to school and acquire education - to lead them through the process of self-discovery and make them actualize their purpose and their dream.

Another way to discover yourself is to look within and observe what you do with ease or what you do effectively even with limited practice, or what you find joy in doing, or what you find yourself doing even if you are not being paid for it. All these could point out to what you are built for. I have a childhood friend who, when we were growing up, we nicknamed "onye nko" (meaning; hilarious and funny person) because of the way he normally presented everything in a funny and less serious way. Each time he talked, you cannot help yourself but to burst into laughter.

When he finished from the secondary school, he went ahead to pursue a career in Engineering, but that was not what he was built for. During one of their faculty's end-of-year parties, they asked him to host the party and as such, he would serve in full capacity as the MC (Master of Ceremony). He did it with so much each and with so much hilariousness that it looked like a comedy show. From then, people picked interest in him and started inviting him to host their events for them. It started with small events and he went on to even host an LGA installation ceremony. This was how he discovered that he was not actually built for the engineering field but for comedy. Even though he has now graduated with a degree in Engineering just for the sake of getting certificate, he is into full time comedy and he is making it big in the industry.

Sometimes, what you need to make success is already in you, you only need to find an opportunity to unleash it - just as my friend used the faculty party to unleash his comedy potentials. Do not let anyone make you to believe that you are giftless.


Image from Pixabay

The truth is that no human is born without something that they can use to affect the world positively - a gift. Even though people may not see it at the initial, it does not mean that it is not there. It is worthy to note that what you are gifted at or what you have passion for may be totally different from what you have studied. There are many professional footballers with college degrees and some even with Masters and so, but they found passion in football and they followed after their passion. More often than not, your passion can point you towards the discovery of yourself. So it is left for you to look inwards and know what you find passion in, it may be the breakthrough point that you have been looking for.

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all

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