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Your Fears Are Not real

Many people are victims of what they are so afraid of, not because the fear was real but because they believed it and their mind created a perception of a false reality. You will be surprised at the mind's ability to create things including what people fear most. What fear does is to limit one from taking the necessary steps and when that happens, they will face the consequences of their inaction and they will think it is a manifestation of their fears but in the real sense, they created the consequences themselves through their inaction. This is why fear should be faced and overcome.


Image from Pixabay

One of the ways to put your fears at bay is to face what you fear, and to do what scares you the most. When you do that, you will be amazed at the fact that what you were so afraid of is either nonexistent or just a creation of your own mentality. A major part of what happens to anyone is a function of what their minds have conceived. Yes, the mind influences the human actions to a great level, and these actions are what form both our habits and our characters. Of course, when these habits and characters become dominant and continuous, they will create the kind of future we desire. So for someone that is afraid of taking steps, before long, it will become a habit for the person.

If you have ever taken note, you will discover that some of the things that people are scared of eventually come to pass. This may just be simply a result of their actions that were triggered by the fear. Take this instance: I once read a story about someone that lived all his life being scared of lion killing him, just because of one documentary that he watched. This fear, even though it was unreal, became the major bane of this man and all he could think of was being killed by lion. The surprising part is that he does not live around the jungle and he does not visit the zoo, so how possible was it to run into a lion on the street and be killed by it? Well, most times, fears are not rational but they can take control of one's reasoning regardless.

One day came and he went to visit his friend that was a sculptor because he had invited him over for his art exhibition. When he entered his art gallery, just by the door way, there was a sculpture piece of a lion at the entrance. The moment he saw the lion, the irrational fear gripped him even though the lion was inanimate in the first place. Out of panic which was triggered by the fear, while he was hastily moving out of the corner where the sculptured lion was, he tripped on the pole which linked the base of the sculpture and it snapped. Immediately, the sculptured lion slid over and fell on him. A broken piece from the sculptured lion pierced him and he bled to death. Now tell me, was he killed by lion or by his own fear?


Image from Pixabay

Many of the things that people are afraid of were just picked or created by them. The same way fear is learnt over time, it can also be dropped by facing your fears and constantly doing what you are scared of. It is true that the human mind is programmed to subconsciously relate to negative occurrence but in the same way, you can also train your mind to rather focus on positivities. So instead of allowing your fears to take over you and make you to remain at the same spot, why not go ahead and take that risk?

Why many people are scared of taking certain actions is because of fear. Fear of not succeeding at it, fear of uncertainty, fear of what people will say. Well, just to let you know, the opinion of people to the actions that you take should not worry you at all because they will still talk even if you do not take the action. What you should be interested in is to take the step and either succeed or learn from it - do not think of failure or other negative occurrence. Always remember this, your fears will only grow if you feed it by giving it attention. So do not focus more on your fears but on the actions you want to take.

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all

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