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Announcing new submission procedures (for the Proof of Blind project) || Request for Submissions 10-17-21

Once you understand the submission requirements, you can click the following button to start the Proof of Blind submission process (while following the steps detailed below):

Announcing new submission procedures for the Proof of Blind project!

The Proof of Blind project was announced and described several weeks ago in this post by Dr. Steve Trost (@trostparadox), who is teaching a university course this semester (at Oklahoma State University) entitled Blockchain-Based Entrepreneurial Venturing. The official launch was announced shortly thereafter in this post via @proofofblind.

Proof of Blind is a project that several students in the class are working on (under Dr. Trost’s mentorship).

This post is meant to facilitate additional submissions and explain our new submission procedure.

Rather than require folks to understand and utilize Hive’s “edit” feature (which was required for the original submission procedure), we are implementing an online submission form (via Qualtrics), coupled with a Hive-based verification-code comment post.

This post will serve as a tutorial for how to navigate and use the new submission system.

Step 1: Write your original content

Write your post, using markdown. You can do this using a tool like Typora, or you can use one of the front-end editors, like PeakD.com.

Your original content needs to include the following elements:

  • Title
  • Body (i.e. text that is your original composition, with appropriate references for anyone else’s work that you relied upon or that you quote)
  • Tags

Step 2: Go to the Proof of Blind project’s online submission form

Click on the submission-form link, which will take you to a qualtrics online survey associated with an account licensed through Oklahoma State University. NOTE: If you click a link provided by someone else (i.e. a referrer), verify that the active portion of the link is “okstate.az1.qualtrics.com”.

The first page of the survey should look something like this:


Step 3: Verify the eligibility of your content

Verify that your content meets the following eligibility requirements:

  1. completely original, and
  2. has never been published anywhere before (including Hive).

Step 4: Click “AGREE”


Step 5: Click or enter the Hive username of whomever referred you to Proof of Blind


Step 6: Enter your Hive username


Step 7: Enter the title of your original content


Step 8: Paste the body of your original content into the form

The body of your submission should include the proper formatting, using markdown.


Step 9: Enter the tags you want included with your post

You must suggest at least one tag. You are welcome to include tribe-specific tags, like leofinance. However, the Proof of Blind team will remove tribe-specific tags if the submitted content is not clearly relevant to that tag.


Step 10: Click “CONTINUE”


Step 11: Type (or copy/paste) the “First statement of ORIGINALITY” into the appropriate box


Step 12: Type (or copy/paste) the “Second statement of ORIGINALITY” into the appropriate box


Step 13: Copy the “Verification Code”


Step 14: Click on the URL link (which will take you to the latest @blind.submit “Request for Submissions” post)


Step 15: Paste the Verification Code into the “Reply” box (of the latest @blind.submit “Request for Submissions” post)


Step 16: After you’ve pasted the Verification Code, click “REPLY”


Step 17: Click “CONFIRM” to confirm your intent to post the Reply (if using Hive Keychain)

If you are using Hive Keychain, the confirmation screen will look something like this:


Step 18: Return to the Qualtrics online submission form and click “SUBMIT MY ORIGINAL CONTENT”



If you have followed each of the above steps, you have completed your submission to the Proof of Blind project.

As soon as you click “SUBMIT MY ORIGINAL CONTENT”, the Proof of Blind team will receive an email notifying us of your submission. Within 24 hours of your submission, you should see a reply by @proofofblind to your ‘Verification Code’ comment. The reply will tell you the status of your submission, which will generally be one of the following:

  • “Under review” -- this means we have initiated the review process.
  • “Failed plagiarism review” -- we will include an explanation as to why the submission failed the plagiarism review.
  • “Rejected” -- this means your submission failed to satisfy all the eligibility requirements. We will let you know the reason for the rejection; if we believe there is a way for you to ‘fix’ the deficiencies we will let you know that, and we will do our best to provide instructions for how to do that.
  • “Posted” -- your original content has been posted via the @proofofblind account.
  • “Deleted” -- your content was posted via the @proofofblind account, but subsequently deleted because a deficiency was discovered after the submission was posted. For example, this would happen if we discover that your content had been previously published elsewhere, or we discover that your submission contained plagiarized content.

The @proofofblind reply comment will be periodically updated to reflect the latest status of your submission.

If you are new to the Proof of Blind project, please read the FAQs in this post (which will be periodically updated as the need arises).

Thanks for your interest in the Proof of Blind project and remember to submit your best work here.

image used under license (shutterstock)

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