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Splinterlands Share Your Battle Challenge Featuring Crypt Beetle.

This weeks featured card in Splinterlands Share Your Battle Challenge is Crypt Beetle.

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This Weeks Featured Card:

Crypt Beetle

Addition: Chaos Legion
Mana: 3
Level: 4
Attack: 1 Melee
Speed: 2
Armor 2
Health: 3
Ability: Shield


I have a level 4 version of the Crypt Beetle with the shield ability. This common 3 mana card is a good low mana asset to your line up when you are using the Death splinter. I had the opportunity to use the Crypt Beetle in a low mana battle and he did his job perfectly you can see my featured battle here.


This was a 18 mana cap battle with the rule Earthquake meaning all non-flying monsters take damage at the end of each round.

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My Line Up


I used Brighton Bloom who gives all friendly monsters the flying ability. I have this summoner at level 1 so I was only able to use my level 4 Crypt Beetle at level 1. But with the Earthquake rule this summoner kept all of my monsters from taking damage at the end of each round.

1st Position

I Put Pelacor Deceiver, a good 5 mana melee attack card with no ability. This card has 8 health, 3 speed and 1 melee attack. This is a solid lower mana tank I used hoping he would take a few hits and deliver a little damage before dying.

2nd Position

I used the feature monster Crypt Beetle with the shield ability reducing the damage received from range and melee attacks. This is a 3 mana card and has 2 health, 1 speed, 1 armor and 1 melee attack. Being a lower mana battle I put this card in the 2nd position to back up my tank and it worked out perfectly.

3rd Position

I went with Corpse Fiend a 0 mana card that has 1 health, 2 speed and 1 melee attack. I used this monster in an extra spot that I did not fill do to the lower mana of the battle hoping it would take a hit away from a more important monster that could keep attacking.

4th Position

I used the Furious Chicken another 0 mana card I used to fill an extra spot in my line up to take a hit away from one of my monsters that could do some damage as the battle went on. It has 1 health and 1 speed and at level 1 it has no attack so this is just a card to take a hit and sacrafice itself over a more important card.

5th Position

I put Life Sapper with the life leech ability adding health every time it deals damage in proportion to the damage dealt. A 3 mana card with 2 health, 1 magic attack and 2 speed. I put this card towards the back of my line up hoping it would get some attacks in and build up its health before it gets to far towards the front of the line.

6th Position

In the final position I threw in Soul Strangler a 3 mana card with no ability 2 health, 2 range attack and 2 speed. Being a lower mana battle I used this monster in the back of the line up hoping he would last long enough in the battle to do some damage.

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You never know how these lower mana battles will go but with all of my monsters having the flying ability I had high hopes of winning. You will see the featured card Crypt Beetle did his job very well and the two 0 mana cards worked out perfectly also. Check out my battle here.

I hope you enjoy the battle and maybe even get some ideas in some of the strategy of the game. See you next time.

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