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Hive Philippines Street Photography #457 - by Allmonitors

#457 - Street photos in colors.

A bit rainy Monday evening to you all my fellow Hiveans. Yesterday there was an event with our company, a team building event to be more specific. The event was held just outside the Metro and it started at 7pm and ended today at five in the afternoon. I went there the night before at exactly 7pm and it was the first time I saw my teammates of thirty people. There's a lot of us in the team and mostly are young one which just finished their college and this is also their first job. I will share some photos later on below which was shared to our group.

Moving on to our photos of the day, we have colorful shots in the city of pines. This first one shows a pile of garbage in mostly white garbage bags. This was shot early morning before eight and the disposal trucks have yet to arrive to collect these trash. We could also see that a woman is scavenging through the pile and collecting any valuable items she could find. People who are also rushing to work are already up and they can be seen on the sidewalk.

Next one shows a man standing on the side and looking towards where I am at. Looks like he is looking at the hot chick that just passed his way, I am talking about the girl on the left wearing white. A woman wearing s yellowish jacket is also picking up cabbage just near or beside the young man.

A view of Session road with all the vehicles and buildings on both side of the street.

Lastly is a branch of a big pharmacy which also owns the biggest mall chain in the country. We can see several people in front of the store and they have this big sale for the holidays.

And here are a few shots shared to our group about yesterday night team building. These shots were not taken by me.




Follow me on my street travels.
Shot taken in Baguio City, Philippines.

First four Image/s were shot using Panasonic Lumix ZS110. ~rex

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