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Hive Philippines Street Photography #458 - by Allmonitors

#458 - Monochrome shots for today.

A blessed Wednesday evening my fellow Hiveans. My father is already out of the operating room and is now recovering. He is in stable condition and hopefully will continue through out the incoming days so he can be discharged soon. It's a sleepless day and night because the nurses come and go every now and then and I have a hard time sleeping already when I am already awake after a short sleep. The doctor will come again tomorrow to check on his condition and possibly make recommendations as well.

Now for our photos of the day we got here some black and white shots and this first one shows a lively street full of lined up passenger jeeps on the right and there are also people on the left side. Some are standing still and some are busy walking.

Then we move here in another street where there are few people crossing this pedestrian lane. Most of them have this faceshield and one doesn't wear the proper mask.

This next shot shows Session road which is packed with vehicles along its street. Most of the vehicles here are taxi picking up passengers while there are also other private vehicles are parked for a couple of hours on the side. Plenty of people are seen on the left.

Next is a shot showing people who are waiting to cross the road. There are still several vehicles passing by before they can cross. There are also plastic barriers in the streets making sure cars stay on their lane.

Follow me on my street travels.
Shot taken in Baguio City, Philippines.

Image/s were shot using Panasonic Lumix ZS110. ~rex

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