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Hive Philippines Street Photography #478 - by Allmonitors

#478 - Monochrome street shots.

Good Monday evening my fellow Hiveans. It's still a rainy day for us here the whole day so no walking exercises has been done. So after my shift at around three in the afternoon, I did some sit-ups and walking in place exercises just to you know keep the body moving and wake those sleepy muscles because they may degrade if not used for a long time. Also while on shift since I was not busy in the first couple of hours, I took the laundry basket which is already full and washed all the laundry it it instead of waiting for Thursday or Friday because the laundry will pile up eventually.

Moving on to our photos of the day which is about monochrome shots, we got here several people caught in the frame. There's two who are sitting and talking on the concrete wall with metallic fences. There's two women who are also about to pass by them as they have the conversation. Then on the right is another young woman who also happens to pass by a man checking his phone beside the waiting monster jeep.

An elderly woman walks while there is a jeepney beside her which is running in low gear. They both have come out of the same street and bound on their separate ways. There is also a motorcycle rider on the left of the frame who seems to do a full turn but is trying to avoid the man doing a squat sitting position there on the side of the road.

Then we got a black and white shot of the boats waiting to be boarded by tourists. There are several boats with designs like swan which are already loaded with people who are rowing them in the middle of the small lake. It's nice doing or riding these boats in the middle of the water once in a while because it gives a relaxing feeling and experience.

This is a part of the park designated to those who love to ride their boards or skate boards. There were several young people or kids who are using this spot to showcase their talents to other kids or man who show interest in the same sport.

Follow me on my street travels.
Shot taken in Baguio City, Philippines.

Image/s were shot using Panasonic Lumix ZS110. ~rex

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