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I GROW, Therefore, I Am


I GROW, therefore, I Am! I cannot begin to describe how good I feel, when I grow my own food, for my family. Some time back, I was talking with a friend, about theFive Love Languages. These are things like affirmation, quality time, physical touch, acts of service, and receiving gifts.

I think for me, I value Acts Of Service, for my family. I love to feed them and serve. One way this manifests itself, is in my garden. I love the feeling I get when I can feed my family, take care of them, with my own grown food.


Above Here come my tomato! I believe this is form one of 4 San Marzano Tomato plants. It is a Roma type. Sweet, for sauces, for serving as part of a Caprése Salad. This is why I planted them. We do a Caprése each week, at least once a week.

below Along with my tomato, I am growing a half dozen varieties of Pepper. I have FOUR Banana Pepper plants growing nicely, and seen here, are the buds and beginnings of Banana Pepper - My youngest daughter's favorite type.



Above Sweet 100 Cherry tomato, ripening soon!
Below These Black Sea Man Tomato will have a dark, rich, deep, purple color, almost black, when ready for eating! There's something neat about the dark purple flesh.



Above These White Cherry Tomato are almost completely pale, with only a tiny hint of subtle reddish color.
Below Another Cherry tomato Variety: Simple Sweetie!



Above Beefsteak Tomato, a staple in most grocery stores, including my own backyard home grown one!
Below Oregon Giant Sweet Peas



Above IS THAT a Zucchini, hiding underneath those massive green leaves?

I cannot wait! Already, we are eating lettuces, exclusively from our gardens. 3 types of Romaines, and a Butter Crunch. Tomato look to be about 2 weeks away, and will continue thru the fall. Peas are being harvested daily. Onions are a few weeks before I pick the first ones. Early potato are only 2 to 4 weeks. Sweet Bell Peppers are a month, and Banana Peppers are 4-5 weeks away. The Zucchini is two weeks. We should see a steady harvest each week, continuing, through late fall.

I have also begun some succession planting. Another set of peas, for when these die off in the mid summer heat. More basil, Carrot, Lettuces, Spinaches, and more. The little seedlings will be ready to plant after the worst of the heat. and step right in where their bigger brother and sisters have left off!

Previous Grovid 21 Posts:

Lettuce Look! Lettuce Look At The Garden
Vegetable Garden Vegetable Garden Video Tour
Plants and Flowers VIDEO TOUR Plants and Flowers Video Tour
Quick Recap Grovid21 Quick Recap Grovid 21
Alive After A Week Away Alive After A Week Away
40 Days and 40 nights 40 Days and 40 Nights
Label My Garden Label My Garden Grovid
Garden Labels So FAR Labels Grovid 21
Tomatos Are OUTSIDE! Tomatos Are Grovid Ready
Going Outside Grovid 21 Going Outside
Some Outside, Some In Some Outside, Some Inside
UpPotting Day! Uppotting Day!
Herbs and Veggies! Herbs and Veggies for Dinner
St. Patricks Day Grovid St. Patrick's Grovid21
Peppers and More Peppers, Peppers, Peppers!
Grow Baby Grow update Peppers, so far
Seed Starter Mix and Planting! Seed Starting
Indoor Lighting Station Set Up! Lighting Setup!
The Seed Packets Arrived! Starting From Seed
Here's a quick RECAP post about Last Year's Garden.

Grovid 2021!!!

For those not following the past year or so, Grovid originally came from @dreemsteem.
She challenged us all, during the year's Pandemic news,
to talk less about Codiv19 and More about Grovid20!
To talk sustainability and gardening and growing for the future!

Bluefin Studios

Bluefin Studios is a photographer, specializing in wildlife, nature, landscapes, waterfalls and Lighthouses!

Always, I strive to give back

To the animals and birds around me

to put more plants in than I take out

And be a good steward for the world around me!

All Photos by Bluefin Studios unless specified.


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