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God comes through

Life generally is hard especially in a country like ours, where things don't play out as you would want them to.

Sometimes it is easy to get overwhelmed with all hustle and bustle of just living in a modern society. The stress of raising kids properly, being a good employee/employer, completing that course, getting good grades in school, working to gain financial freedom etc.

With all this stress, it's sometimes hard not to forget that God does come through.
Well, He does

Maybe you've not nailed that contract yet or gotten that dream job and it looks like it is taking forever, and you are almost giving up. I'm here to tell you not to give up because God got you. It may not seem like it but he does.

So while you are waiting for that job, that contract or that admission, don't give up hope. And enjoy what you have while waiting for what you will get.

Be thankful and patient because where you are is someone's prayer point.

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