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BC firing 6000+ Nurses and Doctors during a historic labour shortage and supposed pandemic? INSANITY!

Quietly confirmed: "General population eligible for booster shots in January." And today's deadline for healthcare workers to take a Covid "vaccine" means thousands of nurses and hundreds of doctors have been suspended from their positions without pay. Any hour now, officials and Pfizer will approve almost-totally-untested "next generation" injections for millions of little kids. It's a mad dash to penetrate every man, woman, and child in Canada - willing or not - with as many shots of mystery gene therapy as we possibly can. We ignore the safe available cures for Covid, and the fact that even untreated it is not a threat to most people or to society. Half of us have completely lost our minds... and the other half is doing everything we can to keep it together just a little bit longer.

Many have already retired, quit, or transferred to other positions in anticipation of today's deadline. Even so, approximately 3-5% of nurses, doctors, paramedics, and other healthcare workers remain on the job and unvaccinated.

"We are taking steps to deal with this," promised Bonnie Henry today. She is BC's Covid figurehead expert and unelected dictator-queen. She noted their decision will lead to pressure on hospitals, but did not note that it was her own orders that are to blame for these unnecessary losses. Those now laid off will have a couple weeks to take an injection, or be fired.

"It is so disruptive and detrimental to care when we have outbreaks in hospitals, and that is the reason why we have this vaccine mandate in place." The mandate will ensure hospitals are staffed only with "vaccinated" superspreaders, who still get infected but don't show symptoms, so yes, it will cause outbreaks detrimental to care!

The paramedics union commissar announced "with choice comes a consequence, and the consequence is you won’t be able to work".

That's not a choice, it's an ultimatum - an unwanted deadline with negative consequences. We didn't ask to make this "choice", and therefore it is being forced on us. It doesn't matter what the options are, forcing someone to make a decision is still force. So if they want to get philosophical, they've got no legs to stand on. Call them on it every time you hear "choices have consequences!" If you're forcing me to decide between 2 unwanted consequences, that ain't choice, it's force - and it's wrong!

"The general population will be eligible for booster shots starting in January."

Yet another for the "conspiracy theorists were right" file. They just casually mention it half way down an article on another topic! That's the kind of thing that should be front page news.

Pro-vaxxer statists will say "we knew this was coming for a while", and point to announcements by Pfizer recently that their so-called vaccine wanes within a month and is nearly useless after six. Since it doesn't prevent infection or transmission, most people are better off just getting infected, recovering (99.8% survival rate), and having broad natural immunity for 16 months to 5 years or more! If the vaccine wasn't so deadly in itself, or if it stopped Covid, or if it didn't need to be redone twice a year... it might have some merit! But it doesn't, and yet we're coercing people and mandating they take it?!


Staff are stretched so thin across healthcare in BC that a single lost employee can have drastic impacts on patient care outcomes. The crisis has been building for years before the pandemic, and has now hit a breaking point. To lose several thousand staff all at once would grind the healthcare system to a complete halt.

A care facility recently had to permanently close its doors here because they don't have enough staff, thanks to the vaccine mandate. Remaining staff are already burned out and working double shifts just to do the bare minimum for patients, but they can go no further, and the 63 bed facility has been shut. Now the mandate has been expanded to ALL healthcare settings, an unprecedented wave of closures is guaranteed.

Imagine still believing this is really about health and safety?

I was a nurse for 10 years, specializing in extended care (the elderly) and acute psychiatry. I walked away in 2008, in part over the avian flu vaccine, which I was coerced into taking, and injured by. When Covid struck in early 2020, I was welcomed to return to nursing, no questions asked, because Canada was already in such a shortage of nurses going into the pandemic. I could be giving these shots right now, if I wanted to, for $40+ an hour. But I chose not to do that.

I would have been a short career move, anyway! Today, I would have been put on unpaid leave, and in 2 weeks I would have been fired. Nurses went from "hero" to "zero" in one year. In 2020 the public (urged by the media) were banging pots and pans every night for the nurses. In 2021, many vaccinated people are calling for their blood, and healthcare is one of the most despised professions right now.

I continue to stand with the nurses who are losing their jobs. Medical tyranny is wrong for any reason. The more of us who refuse to comply, the less likely it will succeed. Our actions really matter. Mandates are being withdrawn and deadlines are being pushed back, in various sectors all across Canada. Unless they WANT to crash the entire system, they can't fire everyone. You're on the right side of history. Stand your ground.

Get your kids out of public schools NOW. Don't let them attend another day. Their lives could depend on it. Within the next week or two there could be an emergency vaccination clinic day, where hundreds of students are injected without parental consent. Plans are in the works to separate children from unaccinated parents. These people are depraved demons, and this is child sacrifice.

Do not consent. Fight for your bloodline. This is your sacred duty! There is no other hill left to die on, or better yet, to force the tyrants to die on! This is where we draw the line, steadfast. Do not willingly give your children up to these ghouls. The testing done was literally 2 months long, and only 2500 children, nowhere near enough to catch rare side effects or side effects that take a while to appear. An entire generation could become sterilized, we have no idea! We MUST stop this.

And yet here come the third shots in January. Anyone who has not had at least 2 has had their passport deactivated last week. Once the third shots are available, anyone who doesn't comply will meet the same end. And so on, every six months, forever. And then it will be other shots, like the flu vaccine, and so many more. And approval will be granted for newborn babies to get "vaccinated" against Covid as well, even though they can't die from it but they can certainly die from the "vaccine".

Figures are similar across Canada, and likely the Western world.

I've marked in blue which age group was given access to injections at which times, beginning with the elderly in January.

Notice there was no increase in vaccinations when mandates and passports were announced or put into effect. These were said to be for bringing about compliance, but they haven't done so. Almost nobody is currently being injected, despite all the pressure.

We have completely lost our minds here in Canada in the past 2 years. Nothing we are doing right now makes any sense, and we are headed directly off a cliff. Most people are so dazed and confused they have no idea, and are so perpetually afraid they will do anything their perceived leaders demand.


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