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Israel practices medical apartheid and CNN says we will follow

What's up for Plandemic 2022? CNN just announced that North America will follow Israel's lead, segregating from society anyone who won't take mRNA injections every few months! Hundreds of millions are suddenly realizing their 2 doses aren't going to keep them in the game much longer, as Western corporate media divulges that to enforce neverending booster shots, outright segregation is coming to Canada and the USA.

In a brazen admission of medical tyranny, CNN points out that "where Israel leads, the rest of the world follows", and this is what to expect in the new year:

  • no school or work unless fully vaccinated
  • digital ID pass proving fully vaccinated status required everywhere except grocery stores smaller than 100 m2
  • a person is not fully vaccinated unless they have taken all mandated doses (currently 3, soon 4)
  • additional doses of the Pfizer or Moderna "vaccine" mandated every 90 or 120 days
  • elderly and vulnerable injected first, then adults, youth, children, and babies

This is already reality in Israel, giving us a glimpse of what early 2022 will look like in Canada and the USA. CNN states we must continue to follow their strategy, because it is evidence booster shots work. "However, 3 doses appear to not be enough" - Israel's R0 jumped to its highest level in months, "marking the throes of a fifth wave". The government is imposing the harshest lockdowns yet, "deciding on a number of new measures in the wake of the infections brought on by omicron."

One of the most vaccinated places on Earth - both in terms of number of people injected, and total number of injections - reports more trouble controlling the virus than ever before. The government, media, and pharmaceutical corporations claim that the strategy will work, as long as every citizen accepts neverending shots.

They are no closer to ending the pandemic than they were 2 years ago. In fact, by their own admission, things are worse now than ever before. Why is the rest of the world supposed to emulate this failed strategy?

Even if Israel's strategy was working, and it isn't, look at the cost they have paid in personal Liberty. Anyone who does not take the shots is banned from working, meaning if they are not independently wealthy, they are forced completely off the grid. Out of society. No work, no school, no healthcare, no banking, no owning or renting property, nothing. Take the shots or you're a hermit and leper - feared, hated, and outcast.

Where it's going

A time is soon coming when you will not be able to move about or even leave your home unless you take the latest injection of mystery drugs, technologies, and gene therapies. And you will have to carry a microchip, either in your handheld device or under the skin of your hand, that identifies, tracks, and records your every action. And that chip can be adjusted or deactivated at any time, for any reason. Miss a shot? Attend a protest? Owe money to your ex? Question the status quo? You can be brought back in line.

A society where every human is controlled by a central authority which oversees the production, distribution, and consumption of all goods and services. Technocratic totalitarianism, very similar to Orwell's 1984.

It's not very far away, and we're steadily rapidly big steps in that direction all the time. Complete hard tyranny is in our very near future, if we don't do something NOW to change course.


Canada is in the process of announcing mandatory mRNA injections every 90 days.

And today, government officials cancelled Christmas and New Years. No celebrating with others, no going out, no family dinner, no parties, no gift openings, no travel, nothing. Clubs and bars closed, sports and gyms closed, restaurants limited to small fully vaccinated family groups.

We're just 6 months behind Israel, and they're just 6 months away from 1984.

The best time to do something about this was yesterday. But the second best time is today.

All that is required for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing. We dare not do nothing!

We can start by disobeying these evil psychos, and celebrating Christmas with our friends and families.

2022 is not set in stone. We know what the technocrat tyrants have planned for us, but together the people have the power, and that begins with the everyday actions of each and every one of us.


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