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Old Farm Cats and Pools

It's a cat's Life.

I am not sure if it is good to have a dog's life - being "Man's best friend" must suck most of the time, because man is an asshole that makes stupid decisions. Cats on the other hand don't give AF about man.

No wonder they have nine lives.


On the way to the spa center, we dropped in on a little farm to see what animals they had. There wasn't much on offer for us to pet, other than a couple farm cats. But Smallsteps hasn't been around cats much before, so she was pretty thrilled. AS was I - because I am a cat person.

I also like dogs.



I like horses - but I haven't ridden one since I was seven years of age and my friend put me on a racehorse. Suffice to say - it knew I couldn't ride and shook me off like a leaf.




What an ASS!


For lunch, we also stopped into a little garden café, where nearly everything is organic and grown in their garden and farm. My wife took the obligatory pictures of the desserts - which were good, but not that good -

not worth Instagramming.


Is it a smile, or a grimace?


With some people, I just don't know anymore.

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And... back to the farm....


My daughter liked this big tractor, so I think I am going to have to adjust her personal pronouns.


Some people have no humor for these things anymore.




Now... onto the Spa center.

On the site it said this place has been renovated, but they "failed" to mention that the rooms have no air-conditioning, which means even though it is under 20C, the rooms are like sleeping when it is humid, in the furnace room that keeps Satan's quarters warm.



But, overall it is nice, other than the absolutely hideous buffet dinner on offer, which if I wasn't famished after doing some water aerobics - yes, I did that - I would have been angry. Instead, I just shoveled that slop into my mouth, trying not to touch any parts that register taste. Breakfast will be there tomorrow.

Can't wait.



If you remember some of the pictures from the ferry trip we did a month or two ago to Sweden, these might look similar. It has much the same feel, except it is more like the ship has been wrecked and the charm and romance of the sea has been replaced by deep loneliness and depression - as caught in the faces of the other guests.


We are having fun though and have already spent several hours in the pool and will spend most of tomorrow, as well as Friday morning swimming and exercising a bit. We even took Smallsteps to a "bar" to listen to some live music before bed - and she threw back a cranberry juice and danced to the wee hour of half past nine.


I am sure that she is going to wake up at 3am to pee and then, 5am to go swimming - thankfully though, the pool doesn't open til 8 in the morning, so we will have time to "enjoy" breakfast first.

As long as there is bacon, I'm happy.

We have a lake view and after a day of heavy rain, the sky is now clear, the water is becoming still for the night and mist is slowly drifting across to cover it for bed. It is quite pretty - but my camera is inside, because my typing was "too loud" - so, you'll have to take my word for it.

[ Gen1: Hive ]

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