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"Jedi Mastery in Listbuilding 3"

How to be a Master Jedi in List Building - Forging the LightSaber - Headline and Bullet Points


Hello fellow Padawans!

Let's continue forging our LightSaber, our Lead Capture Page, and go for the text part of the page.

Visuals are the best, like video, but if you don't feel comfortable, add the headline, an image, and some bullet points.

The headline must be bold with strong color and font. The phrase must be towards the audience. Give them value and show the benefits for them to have your product.

Then add some bullet points, some of the best features of your product that, again, give value to them. Not more than 5, you must tease them, create curiosity so they want to know more. Here the simple font and black color are a must for better reading.

Test it out and check what works best for you :)

Don't forget to check the Lead Capture Page lessons inside Click Track Profit!

May the Force be with YOU!


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