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#3StepsNoExcuses Plan: Day 10 - Wanna Lead? Read!

Welcome All! You made it to Day 10 of your #3StepsNoExcuses journey with me, Rob Willmann.

That's fantastic!
This is your 10th day of taking action. Well done! That's an accomplishment few people today can claim.

Feel good about making it to day 10.

I know I'm glad you've made it this far. :)

Now that you're familiar with the format here (3 simple steps to complete each day) let's get started!

Today's Three Steps:

  1. Watch the CTP "Introduction" Training Video for Tracking.
  2. Create an email for List Nerds and use bullet points.
  3. Watch Plus1Success Day 10 video: "Readers are Leaders"

Let's go through each of these steps and grow together as marketers.


1) Watch the CTP "Introduction" Training Video for Tracking.

Login to CTP here: https://trckapp.com/refer-ctp/3Steps

After you're in CTP, click Training > Lessons. Once you're in the training session, look for the "Introduction" video in the Track! section.

In the Track! introduction, Jon walks us through setting up link tracking through HitsConnect.

For my walkthrough, the link I want to track is my CTP referral URL: https://clicktrackprofit.com/robwillmann

I labeled this CTP home page, then presto! I received a tracking URL: https://www.trker.com/go/140148

While these both ultimately take you to the same place, by using a tracking URL I can see more data and stats on my links I use.

I used tracked URLs in my ads, sales pages, blog posts, thank you pages, PeakD posts, etc. Invaluable!

Go ahead and do the same.

With the free version of HitsConnect, you can enter up to 10 URLs to track.

Once you've watched the video and followed along you should have your own link to track.


Tip: Make sure your URL works as expected before promoting it or giving it out. IE: Click your own link at least once, make sure you are redirecting to the right place, and verify your click was tracked via HitsConnect.

After that, it's on to the next task.


2) Create an email for List Nerds and use bullet points.

Login to your ListNerds account: https://trckapp.com/list-nerds-rw/3Steps

Try something new in your upcoming email. Use Bullet points!

To be honest, before I got to this step, this isn't something that I've done in a lot of emails. I've used bullet points plenty of times in my lead capture pages, so why is using them in an email any different?

They do break up the flow and direct the visitor to scan the list of bullet points. Here's my latest for my List Nerd mailing:

What would your business look like if:

  • you took 3 simple steps each day?
  • you kept up this habit for 30 days?
  • you had a friendly community to back you?

Find out with 3Steps.Today:


Unless you're a business-level member of List Nerds, you may have to wait before sending your ad.

That's fine! Save your email as a .txt file and use it when needed.

TIP: I save all my email ad copy in text files so I can re-use them in different mailers or pull from them what I need.

Once you've written your bullet point-laden email, it's time for the final step:


3) Watch Plus1Success Day 10 Video: "Readers are Leaders"

Login to your Plus1Success account here:

Once you're logged in, the Video section is going to have the Day 10 video "Readers are Leaders".

Are you an avid reader? I hope so.

Reading expands you, thrills you, pushes you.

I've been a fan of daily reading for quite some time. For me I have a habit of reading one chapter from the book of Proverbs each day, based on the date. An example would be if it's the 3rd day of the month, I read Proverbs 3. If it's the 12th day, I read Proverbs 12, etc.

This habit has really helped me over the years and is something that I can tell when I miss it.

As far as marketing goes, I'm reading 'The Compound Effect" by Darren Hardy. Excellent read. Much of it resonates with the goals of #3StepsNoExcuses.

I'm also reading 'Good morning' by Brook Noel as a method to glean ideas for my 30 day e-course that I am writing. I picked up a copy of this at the thrift store for a bargain.

Pick any book that you want to finish reading, and start with a chapter a day.

I'd LOVE to know what you're reading.

Come join us in Telegram and let us know what book you're reading.

I enjoy the Plus1Success portions of this the most, largely because I get the honor of writing upbeat and positive messages like this one.

For years I was a counselor at a rehab center, and I relish in helping people and sharing good news. It's so uplifting. If I can bring some positivity to someone from my writing, then it's a success. :)

With that, have a wonderful day. Go start promoting your online business with the new tools you now have in-hand.

That's it! Cya tomorrow. Please reach out to me if you have questions.

Resources For You:

The three tools we use daily to grow our business and ourselves:

ClickTrackProfit: https://trckapp.com/refer-ctp/3Steps
List Nerds: https://trckapp.com/list-nerds-rw/3Steps
Plus 1 Success: https://trckapp.com/Plus-1-Success/3Steps

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