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Is he Adolf hitler worst guard?

Meet the man who is named Karl Wilhelm Krause, he is known as the Adolf hitler SS guard ., One won't say he was bad at his job or that he was not doing enough , it would even be difficult to find an SS guard that is negligent or lack the intelligence...But it seems that he was incompatible with Adolf Hitler...

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Who is he ??

You can check his biography here https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karl_Wilhelm_Krause

Karl wilhelm krause (5 March 1911 – 6 May 2001) was a Waffen-SS officer (SS number: 236,858) who rose to the rank of SS-Hauptsturmführer (captain) during World War II. He was a personal orderly (valet) and bodyguard to Adolf Hitler from 1934 to mid-September 1939. Thereafter, he served in the 12th SS Panzer Division Hitlerjugend. Krause came up with the concept of an anti-aircraft tank that became known as the Flakpanzer IV Wirbelwind. At the war's end he surrendered to American troops. Krause was interned until June 1946...

He was a guard with impressive intelligence and wisdom but he seems to be incompatible with Adolf Hitler...

So in the month of September , 1939 it was said that there was a front line inspection which was going on , then Adolf hitler ordered him to get a bottle of the Fachiner mineral water and he was so specific about it because he (Adolf Hitler) was trying to avoid getting poisoned so he wanted that particular water he ordered for..But Karl Wilhelm Krause brought a regular water and pretended like he brought the Fachinger mineral water , Adolf hitler discovered that he was deceived and he fired him(Karl Wilhelm Krause)..

Well after the incident , it was confirmed that Adolf Hitler and Krause were still on friendly terms despite that he was fired already...So it was said that Krause made a request to join the Navy and luckily for him his request was said to be granted and it was said that he would serve three different ships..

In 1943 , Krause was said to be recalled to the Hitler's services again but he has to return back to the navy after he was said to discharge firearm while he was having some drinks with some other SS friends(corps of Nazi Party)...

Different investigations confirmed that Krause was not really in very bad terms with Adolf Hitler but they seem to be incompatible and Krause had to remain in the navy because it seems to be a better decision at that point.





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