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Canada announces Covid mandates will never end

Mandates can't end "because the virus is still out there," says our health minister. "We need to follow the science... vaccination is key", says Duclos, noting his concern about long-Covid. He offered no indication WHICH scientific findings we're following, such as a single study that shows the "vaccines" prevent infection or serious illness. We were told they are safe and effective, but we now know they don't work, and have numerous unwanted short-term effects - including disability and death. If he's worried about long-term effects of the virus, which we currently know almost nothing about, why isn't he concerned about the unknown long-term effects of the "vaccines"? Pointless and harmful injection mandates will remain in place for federal employees, travelers, and yes... the truckers. No wonder Trudeau used martial law and financial terrorism to combat the peaceful Freedom Convoy - his globalist masters have no intention of ending Covid mandates in Canada!

Vaccination is key? Maybe if we had real vaccines, that made the recipient immune to the virus. Most people who rolled up their sleeves believed that's what they were getting. "Safe and effective" was (and in some cases, still is) blasted from every speaker and every politician's mouth, over and over. It has taken more than a year, but the conspiracy theorists were proved completely right - these injections don't stop the virus at all! Since omicron, even the globalist-installed health officials have admitted that. It's also becoming more accepted in the mainstream that the shots don't do a thing to prevent serious illness. In other words, they have zero positive effect - they are ALL downside.

Now Pfizer says get ready for the fourth round... because the first three worked so well?!

Follow the science? Okay, name it! What theories, what studies, what researchers are you basing this on? I'm a scientist, and I'm medically trained. I've done 1000+ hours research on Covid and these "vaccines". Tell me where I can go, to understand where your decisions are coming from. I want to follow your science, health minister Jean-Yves Duclos! I want to follow your science, public health officer Bonnie Henry! I want to follow your science, top doctor Theresa Tam! But please, tell me... what science is it?

Covid is over, both in Canada and worldwide. Deaths haven't been lower since it all began!

So the threat, which was minimal to begin with, is essentially over. The emergency is passed. Mandates, which are destructive to society in numerous ways, are only permissible under the most dire of emergencies. In other words, they're no longer justified (if they ever were).

"The truth is that Covid is still here in Canada and certainly outside of Canada. And that’s what I think we should be mindful of," said Duclos.

Once again, the goalpost has been moved. Now, we can't end mandates when the emergency is passed. We can only end them when the virus is no longer in Canada (or outside of Canada). In other words, mandates are permanent.

The government, who are puppets of globalist technocrats like the WEF, is giving themselves the power to control our lives, under the facade of health and medical safety. Forever. If they want you to take another shot, you have to take it. A different "vaccine", you have to take it. Other Covid treatments, you have to take them. Other drugs entirely, same thing. Other procedures, tests, implants, surgeries. It's for your safety and your health, it's a mandate, you have no choice.

To me, that's unacceptable. That's not the future I want to live in, or have my children live in. I believe in individual Liberty, and I own my body, so I control what goes into it. Nobody can mandate away my bodily autonomy. And I'm tired of the world being turned upside town in the name of Covid! None of this is serving me, or anyone else except the globalists. The shots don't work, restrictions destroy the economy, mandates strip away our freedom, and lockdowns lead to suicides, cancers, and traumatized children. For what? And now we're making it all permanent?!

The truckers were (and are) 100% right! End all Covid mandates. Instead of using thuggery to stifle peaceful protest, bow to the demands of the people! Do what we're telling you to do, as our paid public servants. Restore peace and freedom to the land.


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