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CoronaGate Scandal Unraveling | Man Never Tested Informed He is Positive & Motorcycle Death Attributed to Covid19


The scamdemic continues to be blown wide open, and still the fakestream media desperately clings to the official ‘pandemic’ narrative. At this rate, they won’t be able to hold on much longer, as they are already struggling to maintain their narrative monopoly with mainstream coverage exposing the scandal of overinflated cases and death counts.

In Tennessee a man was contacted by three different ‘contact tracers’ to inform him that he had tested positive for ‘Covid19’, despite the fact he had never even gotten tested in the first place. If the test results are this miraculously inaccurate, that they are even able to identify positive cases before being used, one wonders why the expensive tests are even being used in the first place!


She specifically said – I’m looking at it right here – you tested positive – this is a follow up call to see how your symptoms are,” Ballou said.

“Is it possible you misheard her?” asked News4 Investigates.

“I’m 100 percent sure that’s what she said, she was looking right at it; she told me I’m in the system – looking right at it that you’re showing positive,” Ballou said.

Then – two more days with calls – all from tracers asking about his symptoms.

If the number of so-called positive cases being rolled out on the news as proof of the supposed pandemic include people who never even get tested, then how overinflated are these ‘official’ numbers anyway?

Ballou said he’s concerned that if he’s incorrectly identified as positive in the state’s system, how accurate are the numbers that are released daily?

I said I don’t know what’s going on, but it’s wrong. I’m just another number when I’m not,” Ballou said.

What’s going on is the surfacing of yet more solid evidence of intentional overinflation of the numbers, as has been demonstrated time and time again throughout this entire ordeal.

Meanwhile in Florida, a local Fox News investigation discovered that a man killed in a motercycle crash was actually listed as a ‘Covid19’ death!


When asked about this, a health official said the mistake doesn’t make any difference in the numbers, and actually said it could be argued that ‘Covid19’ caused him to crash and therefore this listed cause of death was not a fraudulent misrepresentation of the truth, despite Florida guidelines specifically stating that deaths caused by trauma and auto accidents are not to be listed as ‘Covid19’, even if the victim had previously tested positive.

This health official’s response to the question of whether this man had been removed from the official covid death count sheds much light on the upside down thinking of the corrupt authorities who are inflating the numbers to push their pre-planned agendas:

”I don’t think so. I have to double-check. We were arguing, discussing, or trying to argue with the state. Not because of the numbers -- it’s 100…it doesn’t make any difference if it's 99 -- but the fact that the individual didn’t die from COVID-19…died in the crash. But you could actually argue that it could have been the COVID-19 that caused him to crash. I don’t know the conclusion of that one.”

How many more people who have clearly died from other causes and are yet included in the ‘official’ covid death counts may never be known, but they are certainly overinflated, and this incidence demonstrates just how overinflated they may actually be.

What we do know based on previous admissions by public officials and the CDC guidelines, is that any hospitalized patients who dies WITH ‘Covid19’ are being listed as a covid deaths even if they clearly did not die FROM it - such as in cases of end-of-life cancer patients, heart failure, etc.

Making these official overinflated numbers even more unreliable is the fact that both the RT-PCR and antibody tests being used to ‘confirm’ positive cases are admittedly highly inaccurate, giving up to a 30%-50% or higher rate of false positives! In fact they are so inaccurate that they are specifically listed as “not to be used for diagnostic purposes.” And yet they are being used as the main and sometimes sole diagnostic tool, such as the high number of asymptomatic cases (which may in fact just be false positives)...


Now Congress is sounding the alarm after early data from researchers in California who "tested the tests" showed troublingly high rates of false results. One in 3 antibody tests they analyzed produced false positives more than 10 percent of the time.


Dr. Birx speaking at the White House warns that 50% of ‘Covid19’ positives from the tests will be false, with only half of positive test results actually reflecting a true positive case of the ‘virus’:


State health officials are investigating a high rate of false-positive COVID-19 test results for residents and employees at nursing homes in Snyder, Eastland and Cisco.


The U.S. Food and Drug Administration issued a warning letter for clinical labs and health care providers over COVID-19 tests manufactured by global medical technology company Becton, Dickinson and Company (BD) which has produced coronavirus tests the department says are at high risk for false positive results.

And as stated by Elon Musk: "There are a ridiculous number of false positive C19 tests, in some cases ~50%. False positives scale linearly with # of tests.”


But beyond the media’s reliance on official case numbers that rely on such inaccurate test data, there is also the growing problem of official ‘Covid19’ case definitions widening to include anyone who is sick and has been in contact with someone who has tested positive (with these inaccurate tests no less) among the official tally of ‘confirmed cases’, as is taking place in the state of Texas:

In fact I believe the definition is so intentionally vague that anyone in Collins County, Texas who gets sick automatically qualifies as a ‘confirmed covid case’, simply because of the high number of supposedly confirmed cases already existent in the county, if I remember that correctly!

The media spin and obvious manipulation of the numbers to suit the pandemic narrative has gotten out of control, so much so that now the mainstream media outlets themselves are unable to keep this corruption entirely out of view anymore.

But perhaps the most important suppressed truth regarding all of this madness, is that that partial RNA sequence being tested for in the first place has NEVER been proven to even BE a virus at all! That’s right, there was never an original particle containing a full RNA sequence that has been isolated in order to prove the existence of a new virus which is being called SARS-CoV2, but rather a very small partial RNA sequence taken from patients in Wuhan, China was isolated; and it is this that is claimed to be a sequence of that virus which has never actually been proven to exist. Isolation is the only valid accepted scientific method of positively identifying and proving the existence of a new virus. Without finding the particle from which this partial sequence originated, and then isolating it and examining the original COMPLETE RNA sequence from which it came, there is no way for anyone to know what they are even testing for, and whether it is even a virus as such at all!

Dr. Andrew Kaufman goes into great detail explaining this and much more in an excellent brand new interview on The High Wire seen below:

This is not conspiratorial tin foil hat nonsense, this is the accepted scientific gold standard for virus identification, and for some reason has not yet been performed on the very so-called ‘virus’, the yet unproven existence of which has formed the foundation of this entire so-called pandemic and all the tyrannical responses to it. Why hasn’t this test been performed, is the biggest question everybody should be asking, and we should all be demanding an answer to it before accepting the implementation of any more ‘pandemic’ measures, none of which even work to stop the spread of viruses to begin with according to all the available scientific studies!



Straight from the author of this recent South Korean Study:

"In conclusion, both surgical and cotton masks seem to be ineffective in preventing the dissemination of SARS–CoV-2 from the coughs of patients with COVID-19 to the environment and external mask surface."

The Surgeon General also agrees masks are useless, or at least said they were useless back in March, at which time they were apparently only helpful in protecting healthcare workers but not the general public...


The lead doctor of the White House coronavirus task force, Dr. Anthony Fauci, also agrees people shouldn’t be wearing masks, because they don’t stop the spread of the virus.


Disregarding all of this evidence of their ineffectuality, 36 or more states have nonetheless now issued mandatory mask wearing edicts requiring people to wear masks while in public, despite the fact that doing so subjects people to an “unsafe” (as determined by OSHA) oxygen-deprived environment. And they are doing so in the name of ‘health’ and ‘safety’...

Dr. Fauci has repeatedly stated people shouldn’t be wearing masks around everywhere, although at times he will turn right back around in the very same interview and talk about how people should nonetheless wear masks to raise awareness and make people feel safe (even though they don’t actually make anyone safer, and may in fact increase risk of infection if worn improperly or if cloth masks are used, which most are).

How long will the desperate puppeteers continue to be able to successfully prop up their rapidly crumbling pandemic narrative? It would seem their days are short, and yet we know beyond a shadow of a doubt that they intend on making this the permanent new normal. Interesting times await us all.

Welcome to the new (ab)normal, where insanity reigns, and the great scam marches on.

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