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Dystopia Rising (Part 1) | ‘Let Them Die’: Hate Speech, Judicial Tyranny, Vaccine Mandates Breaking the US Healthcare System & the Slide Into Global Medical Apartheid


“If an unvaccinated person catches it from someone who is vaccinated, boohoo, too bad. I have no empathy left for the willfully unvaccinated, let them die. I honestly don’t care if they die from Covid, not even a little bit. Unvaccinated patients do not deserve ICU beds.”

So said the Toronto Star headline published on August 26, sandwiched between one story which headline reads, “No jab could mean no job for Air Canada employees,” and another which opens by stating that, “patience and understanding for those not getting shots is in short supply...”

Those attempting to force these experimental injections on every man, woman and child on this planet are running out of patience indeed, and media-promoted hate speech is only the beginning of the insanity this type of deranged mindset will lead to, if left unchecked.

As disturbing as such vitriolic hate being featured on the front page of a western newspaper is, it is not that particularly surprising coming out of the same mad Covid Clown World in which Indonesia, for example, forced citizens to lay in coffins as punishment for noncompliance with mask mandates last year, and in which a former US government official - just two days after the Star published these disturbing words - literally likened “anti-mask and anti-vax” Americans to suicide bombers in Kabul, in a since deleted tweet.

Former Obama administration Secretary of Education Arne Duncan on August 29 took to describing “the mindsets and actions” of millions of peaceful Americans exercising bodily autonomy in their rejection of admittedly ineffective experimental injections and noncompliance with mask mandates/guidelines as “strikingly similar” to those of the murderous “suicide bombers at Kabul Airport,” absurdly claiming that anyone choosing to decline these particular experimental medical interventions “both blow themselves up,” and, “inflict harm on those around them” while “convinced they are fighting for freedom.”


What truly poses an imminent danger to a free society and the lives of all peaceful Americans, however, is not freedom of choice but the toxic mindset and associated actions of those who so dehumanize an entire ‘class’ of fellow peaceful citizens that they view every single one of them as a dangerous parasite deserving of death. That this sort of mindset is becoming increasingly pervasive in recent weeks - it should be noted that Duncan’s tweet managed to rack up over 2,000 likes and 585 retweets in under 48 hours - is testament to the grave reality of a dark and imminent future now facing humanity, a future that threatens not only our dignity and our freedom, but even our very lives.

Such is the type of mindset that leads to all genocides; such was the sort of thinking that led to Nazi Germany’s persecution of Jews, Gyspsies and everyone who dared to dissent against that despotic regime; and it is time the world finally begins to wake up and realize that we are being led into a fascist global dictatorship that is no less tyrannical, or fanatical, than Hitler’s 3rd Reich. As one Twitter commentator notes, it is but a small step indeed from “let them die” to “kill them all,” especially for those indoctrinated to view them all no differently than suicidal terrorists.

There can be no confusion about the meaning of such inflammatory words, nor about the intention of papers willing to print them; such rhetoric serves only one purpose, to dehumanize and incite discrimination against an entire ‘class’ of people whose only ‘crime’ is exercising the basic human freedom of personal medical choice. Advocating for the universal denial of critical healthcare to patients based upon vaccination status is not only shameful, it is genocidal.


In as much as this hate-filled diatribe acknowledges that the vaccinated can transmit disease, it also reveals that the ongoing forced vaccination campaign has absolutely nothing at all to do with stopping the spread of disease, but rather religious adherence to the rituals of the Covid Cult and blind obedience to its arbitrary dictates. This reality is evidenced by the blatantly discriminatory treatment of two unvaccinated Buffalo Bills players who were quarantined for five days last month after exposure to a vaccinated associate who had tested positive, despite both testing negative themselves - for no other reason than their vaccination status.

As PFT reports:

Although both Beasley and Davis tested negative for COVID-19, unvaccinated players who have close contact with someone who tests positive have to isolate from the team for five days. If Beasley and Davis were vaccinated, they would be allowed to keep practicing as long as they tested negative.

The message such vaccination policies are sending is clear: “Staunch refusal to get vaccinated” will cost you. That is of course exactly the point; the higher the cost of refusing to accept this experimental injection, the more pressure there is to do so. And such pressure is being increasingly employed only because reason, logic and months of relentless propaganda and Big Tech censorship was alone unable to persuade some 120 million Americans to take the jab, and there are still over 80 million holdouts several months into more aggressive coercion. Such coercive tactics are not only antithetical to the principles of a free and open society, they are, being based not upon truth and reason but rather fear and propaganda, also grossly hypocritical.

Even a New York Daily News reporter noticed the inherent hypocrisy of this discriminatory NFL policy.

Although extreme, this type of hateful rhetoric promulgated by the editors of the Toronto Daily Star is not isolated, and is becoming more and more prevalent as the establishment employs increasingly coercive tactics to force this injection on a now largely unwilling population, in a manner not unlike the way in which Jews and dissidents were dehumanized in Nazi Germany and cast as a dangerous blight upon society.

“Blame the unvaccinated” for all the world’s problems; and scapegoat tens of millions of Americans for the tyrannical measures imposed by a technocratic dictatorship, rather than recognize that neither an invisible ‘virus’ nor those refusing to take an experimental injection are robbing anyone of their freedom - freedom which has been taken exclusively by the same rulers pushing the injections, and not Americans exercising their right to reject them.


In an ironical fashion, Salon columnist Amanda Marcotte expresses her outrage at fellow Americans exercising their freedom of medical choice, while simultaneously blaming them for “robbing the rest of us of our freedoms.” Apparently for Amanda and all those with this Covid Cult mindset, only the freedoms of the “the rest of us” matter; to hell with the freedom of all those who reject this particular unwanted medical intervention.

...who I am mad at is the willfully unvaccinated, people who, out of irrationality and often raw Republican tribalism, got us into this mess in the first place. I am incandescent with rage that millions of Americans are putting it on the rest of us to protect them from COVID-19, just so they can avoid a simple, free shot that is available at every pharmacy.

Never mind that incandescent rage is a dangerous emotion that can lead to murder, homicidal discriminatory policies, and in the extreme even genocide; the premise and associated mindset from which such anger stems is entirely unfounded upon anything but demonstrably deceptive propaganda, and in many cases outright lies.

The shots, for example, not one but two and soon to be three of them, are far from being ‘free’, their development funded to the tune of billions by American taxpayer dollars as a part of Trump’s “Operation Warp Speed” program; and now, in the case of the Pfizer injection specifically, has become one of the most profitable drugs in the world, if not already the single most profitable of them all. The ‘coronavirus vaccine’ industry is fast becoming one of the most profitable enterprises on the face of the earth, and the ‘vaccine’ manufacturers aren’t making billions by giving their injections away for free; despite being funded by taxpayer dollars, they still chose not to sell them at cost but for profit. They only appear to be free for those with health insurance, but recipients (and/or their employers) are still paying for them in the form of their taxes and insurance premiums; meanwhile millions of uninsured Americans are forced to pay for these injections out of their own pockets.

Nor is the shot ‘simple’ for thousands of recipients experiencing complications in the form of adverse reactions, many quite serious, some leading to death. The Pfizer injection specifically has been shown in a prominent study to substantially increase the risk of myocarditis across all age groups, particularly among teens and young adults, with the CDC itself stating that: “An elevated risk for myocarditis among mRNA COVID-19 vaccinees has been observed, particularly in males aged 12–29 years.” Given this well established and acknowledged “excess risk,” and the well documented, extremely high long-term mortality rates associated with this inflammatory heart syndrome, it’s not quite as ‘simple’ as the propagandists make it out to be at all.

Peer-reviewed research has consistently found “relevant” and “substantial long‐term mortality in patients with biopsy‐proven myocarditis (39.3% all cause, 27.3% cardiac, and 10.9% SCD [sudden cardiac death])” (Journal of the American Heart Association, August 13, 2020), also “associated with a long-term mortality of up to 19.2% in 4.7 years,” (NIH, 2012), while a 2006 AHAJ paper noted that: “The Myocarditis Treatment Trial reported mortality rates for biopsy-verified myocarditis of 20% and 56% at 1 year and 4.3 years, respectively,” outcomes “similar to the Mayo Clinic’s observational data of 5-year survival rates that approximate 50%.”

While many ‘vaccine’ recipients may initially recover from injection-induced myocarditis symptoms, the scientific research strongly indicates that it will nevertheless lead to the death of a large number of these patients within 1-5 years, and of course nobody will think twice about associating such deaths with the injections taken so far in the past; yet the risk is very real and cannot be ignored, and this is only one example of many such risks. These risks can not be hidden, so instead they are downplayed and ignored, but they are very real, and they are far from ‘simple’ soreness at the injection site.

Meanwhile the notion that the unvaccinated are forcing the vaccinated to protect them from Covid is a complete inversion of reality, as any alleged ‘protection’ gained by the ‘vaccine’ is provided exclusively to the recipient(s), admittedly not able to prevent infection or transmission (or even symptomatic disease), further demonstrated by the countless thousands of the vaccinated across the planet who are now being diagnosed, hospitalized and in some cases even dying with ‘Covid19’; and this according to the current mainstream narrative, or at least admitted to some extent by CDC officials and mainstream outlets when doing so suits their agenda, while they simultaneously and absurdly continue to insist that this reality is somehow reflective of an ‘effective’ injection.

The advocation of such dangerous and potentially deadly discrimination in the media is based upon a mindset that has already begun to lead to the imposition of these very types of discriminatory policies in the real world, a brand of discrimination once familiar to every single black American in this country which does not hesitate to say: ‘Just let them die.’

Life Threatening Medical Apartheid Arrives in China, the ‘Pandemic’ Model for the World

Reports of unvaccinated patients being turned away from healthcare facilities in the US are already beginning to pop up across social media platforms, and starting in August, as CNN has reported: “Unvaccinated residents in parts of China will be banned from accessing public services including hospitals, schools and nursing homes, as the country targets an inoculation rate of at least 80% against Covid-19.”


The new ‘vaccine’ mandate was announced by “dozens of county-level governments in at least eight provinces,” in public notices outlining the new restrictions which would deny access to all medical facilities, schools, parks, and public transport, and given the state-run nature of Communist China, there is not likely to be any private alternatives for sick patients who wish to remain unvaccinated, apart from underground doctors and unlicensed clinics (if such exist), and the same goes with education of children for parents who don’t wish to inject their children.

Meanwhile, employees or contractors who do not get vaccinated, will not be paid, nor be allowed to work, said an official notice on vaccination promotion, issued by Tanghe Command Center for COVID-19 Control and Prevention,” the Epoch Times reported, noting that the employee mandate was a national one applying to public workers across the whole country.

According to Chinese media and local authorities cited by the Times, the strict discriminatory policies are part of an orchestrated Chinese “psychological campaign to sweep away the unvaccinated,” aimed at pressuring and coercing the public to such a degree that they have no choice but to comply, “leaving those without vaccination in a dilemma.”

“[We have] created a strong atmosphere that people over 18 years of age should be vaccinated as much as possible and that it is difficult to walk a step without vaccination,” announced Tanghe CBD Management Committee...

This method of coercion featuring relentless propaganda and intense societal pressure, designed to make the choice to remain unvaccinated as absolutely unbearable and infeasible as possible, is an approach now being shared by western governments and vaccine-pushers the world over, even if not initially employed to the degree of extremity utilized by the CCP.

Already, Chinese authorities are carrying through with their promises to make it “difficult to walk a step without vaccination,” as by mid-August roadside checkpoints were already being used to restrict travel of those not carrying their digital ‘papers’, while drones dutifully patrol the skies; and ‘vaccine passport’ scanners - in the streets, the businesses, the shopping malls, the taxis and just about everywhere else you could imagine - make it practically impossible for the unvaccinated to function in society at all in some cities, and just like all oppression inevitably does, it disproportionately hits the poor the hardest.

These most recent Chinese policies are not only extremely concerning due to the highly unethical nature of denying healthcare and other basic services to the unvaccinated, but also because China has consistently created the pattern of ‘pandemic measures’ that were then rolled out across most of the world; from lockdowns and social distancing to universal masking, and from PCR testing and ‘contact tracing’ surveillance systems to ‘vaccine passports’ and the associated social credit system now emerging there, China was the first to implement the ‘pandemic’ policy; and in each major case so far the western world has closely followed that pattern, with Israel consistently taking the lead, showing the world the way into the technocratic future of Bill Gates’ and Klaus Schwab’s dreams.




”The pandemic represents a rare but narrow window of opportunity to reflect, reimagine, and reset our world." - Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman, WEF, “The Great Reset”

At the very beginning of this Plandemic in March, in a document praising China’s totalitarian ‘pandemic’ policy, authors for the World Economic Forum - a key driver of the technocratic “Great Reset” agenda, which could not have been initiated without the global implementation of a China-style ‘pandemic’ response - advised that “the measures implemented in China may be instructive for other countries,” stating that: “China’s unprecedented systematic and proactive risk management, based on collaboration between government officials and health experts, has proven to be effective.”

Having since been adopted by the whole of the western medical-political establishment, this assortment of measures has served as an extremely effective tool in advancing its technocratic agenda indeed. In fact, the entire agenda hinges on the world following in China’s footsteps, and had it not done so, the “rare” and “narrow window of opportunity” to hit this great reset button would never have appeared. As it is, the reset has already been initiated, a ‘new normal’ is upon us, and China remains a model for the emerging technocratic world order; and as such it continues to offer a unique window through which we can catch a glimpse of the type of ‘normal’ life our future holds under the machinations of the rising technocratic biosecurity state.

Not only are Chinese government roadside checkpoints used to prevent the travel of the unvaccinated, and those not carrying the digital certificates harassed and increasingly excluded from society, but the ‘vaccine passports’ are also linked to all personal data and track your every move, also being linked to social credit scores that can be used to further punish and reward citizens for other ‘good’ and ‘bad’ behavior entirely unrelated to vaccination status.

It may start simply as proof of vaccination, but once in common use to restrict the freedoms of the non compliant, the systems used to segregate the dissidents are already in place, and the digital certificates can then be used to both encourage compliance and punish dissent among the vaccinated in regards to a wide range of political issues and various actions entirely unrelated to the ‘pandemic’ measures; and the certificate can then be deactivated or red-lighted at any time for any reason to restrict or remove the societal ‘privileges’ first granted to the vaccinated exclusively in the name of public health. It’s an Orwellian system we are told isn’t real, but upon investigation we find that it is very real, and those claiming it isn’t still manage to illuminate its truly Orwellian nature. It may not be fully integrated yet, but it’s very real, and Australia isn’t very far behind.

Medical apartheid arrives in the West

In the case of the most recent Chinese measures, ‘vaccine’ passports and associated societal restrictions for the unvaccinated are already beginning to be widely introduced on a global scale, one state, one country at a time, following Israel’s ‘green pass’ rollout hailed as a “model for the world.”

One need look no further than Israel to see the effects of institutionalized apartheid, where Palestinians have long been relegated to the rank of second class citizens - segregated, their homes indiscriminately taken by government sanction, and, in some cases, even denied life saving health care. It is no surprise, then, that apartheid Israel would be the first western entity to experiment with its own version of the new technocratic medical apartheid now being ushered in around the world, with discriminatory policy effectively turning all unvaccinated Israelis, including Jews, into a new kind of second class citizen. The new ‘vaccine’ passports were initially required for access to pubs, restaurants, gyms, schools, synagogues, theaters, sporting events, hotels, pools, international travel and even VIP beach chairs.


Following Israel, France was one of the first to impose a nationwide ‘vaccine’ mandate, similar in scope to the Israeli requirements, which went into effect at the beginning of August, requiring a special ‘Covid19 health pass’ for access to large-scale festivals, cinemas, museums, bars, cafes, restaurants, shopping centers, swimming pools, and for long distance travel on trains and planes; although Macrone’s order, as approved by the French constitutional court, even banned those without the French version of the vaccine passport from entering hospitals with the exception of “emergencies,” and also mandated vaccination for all health care workers.

French healthcare workers argued that despite the emergency care exemption, the policy would still limit patient access to vital healthcare services, and a great many opposed the discriminatory measures. Speaking with French media, the spokesperson for one nursing union explained that, due to the new rules, “there is a risk of a loss of opportunity [to get care], delays in diagnosis or treatment, by blocking scheduled patients who are in the process of getting vaccinated.”


Head of infectious diseases at the Saint-Antoine (AP-HP) hospital in Paris, Karine Lacombe, said that the rules were a “real problem” and threatened the principle of keeping care “equal for all”.

She told France Inter: “We, healthcare workers, are opposed to access to care being conditional to having a health pass, whether it’s for an emergency or not.”

French opposition to these discriminatory ‘vaccine’ mandates has been fierce, with over 100,000 demonstrators gathering in Paris to protest the measures when they were first rolled out, and similar protests regular taking place across the country ever since.


But president Macrone just continues marching to the beat of the technocratic globalist drums; the freedom and will of the people matters not to these unaccountable puppets.


Also in late July, after restrictions were relaxed for a time, new PM Naftali Bennet re-instated the Israeli green pass requirements for entry into public venues including “cultural and sporting events, gyms, restaurants and dining halls, conferences, tourist attractions and places of worship,” while Italy introduced similar measures whereby "Italians will need to show passes in order to enter a wide variety of indoor spaces, including museums, cinemas, swimming pools, gyms and indoor restaurants," Forbes reported.

The mottos driving these discriminatory policies are built upon fear, dripping with hate, and echo the sentiment that enshrined segregated America of the 1950s and 60s. It is now 2021; slavery and segregation are mistakes of the past, we are told, and yet governments in more than one country are literally blocking patients from receiving medical care over vaccination status, one of the most inhumane and tyrannical forms of discrimination that can be engaged in.

And although not at the state level, a similar unofficial policy has already been implemented in the US in at least one case, with the University of Washington Medical Center now repeatedly removing organ transplant donor recipients from their organ donor lists and denying patients life-saving organ transplant surgeries over vaccination status, giving the patients - some who’ve been on the waiting list for years - an ultimatum that equates to: ‘Get vaccinated, or we will let you die.’

As reported by Jason Rantz of KTTH radio on August 20:

The University of Washington Medical Center denied organ transplants to patients who refuse a COVID vaccine as early as June 2021. And hospital officials refuse to answer basic questions about their policy.

In fact, they won’t even directly acknowledge they have a policy.

“In June,” Rantz writes, “Sam Allen of Monroe learned that his heart transplant surgery was on the line over his refusal to get the COVID vaccine,” and it all started because he chose not to wear a mask due to his heart issues making it difficult for him to breathe. After his doctor talked to him about not masking, he was informed he had been removed from the organ donor waitlist, and that he could be reinstated and receive his life-saving surgery if he simply satisfied the center’s “compliance concerns” by getting the experimental jab(s). But he simply won’t do it due to the specific and significant known risk of cardiac problems associated with the injection(s).

“As a person who has spent much time and money at UWMC as a heart failure patient, I am being told I cannot get care for my condition unless I take an injection that has shown to cause cardiac problems,” he wrote. “It seems that a wise choice would be to not make a panic move and run to get injected with the experimental gene therapy until more is known.”

He was most put off, he explained, “by the lack of scientific logic that dictates [the] ‘policy.’” But science and patient risk be damned, if you won’t comply with our demand to get injected, then we’ll be more than happy to just let you die, and give that new heart you’ve been waiting over two years for to a compliant Covid Cultist. What a travesty of justice.

The vaccine-pushers can argue this is ‘freedom’ all they want, but for Sam Allen such medical apartheid means that if he isn’t able to find another heart, and heart transplant surgeon in time: “It absolutely will lead to my death,” he said.

Although this may have been the first instance of such a policy being instituted here in America, it will not likely be the last, it has set a very dangerous precedent, and if the current train of events is any indication, it will be one of many more to come.

Former nurse turned whistleblower Erin Olszewski discusses the ongoing push to deny healthcare to the unvaccinated in an interview on the War Room on September 4, explaining that the primary reason behind the rise in this form of discrimination is a medical establishment no longer concerned with treating patients because they are working with a “corrupt pharmaceutical organization” that puts profit over human life, and that the Hyppocratic oath, “First, do no harm,” was thrown out the window two years ago at the very beginning of this Plandemic.

As Daily News Break quips: “It’s a ‘vaccine’ so safe and effective that it needs medical apartheid in order to work.”

That medical apartheid is now bearing down upon us, complete with the institutionalization of high-tech discrimination and segregation tactics and policies, currently expanding at an alarmingly rapid rate, coming soon to a city near you.

A quick Google search revealed that at least two doctors have already publicly announced new discriminatory policies requiring vaccination as a condition for care and treatment, one in Alabama and one in Florida, the latter a “family medicine doctor in South Miami,” Dr. Linda Marraccini.

Like every other discriminatory policy currently being rolled out, these are of course being implemented in the name of ‘public safety’, but as we have already seen, they do not in fact offer any ‘protection’ to the public at large; and in the letter written to her patients outlining the policy and obtained by NBC Miami on September 3, in which a number of unsubstantiated propaganda talking points and in some cases outright lies are cited in defense of the planned discrimination, Dr. Marracccini reveals that the decision is based upon her belief that the perception of ‘public safety’ supersedes basic human rights and individual freedom in times of ‘national emergency’: “This is a public health emergency - - the health of the public takes priority over the rights of any given individual in this situation.”

And this is exactly why the establishment continues its desperate attempt to perpetuate the ‘pandemic’ illusion indefinitely, because a permanent state of ‘emergency’ creates the conditions whereby a permanent removal of your freedoms can be achieved, an environment in which fear overrides logic, reason, facts and peer-reviewed science. And if they can let those in the private sector to do their dirty work for them, all the better, as it will then not so much resemble the orchestrated coercion campaign that it truly is.

At the same time, if these efforts to coerce the unwilling into compliance had anything at all to do with public ‘health’ and ‘safety’ whatsoever, then nobody in their right mind would be attempting to force this injection on those who have recovered from Covid, nobody would be actively taking part in discriminating against the tens of millions of Americans who, according to the medical establishment’s own science, have strong and durable natural immunity and thus pose absolutely no threat to the public, according to their own virus narrative. As any honest doctor who has actually looked at the studies will tell you, there is absolutely no reason to be pushing this on the naturally immune, it is counterintuitive, and the only purpose it serves is to get an injection you neither need nor want plunged into your arm. It is, in the words of Dr. Michael Palmer, “completely unreasonable.”

As it is, these discriminatory policies and mandates almost universally discount or ignore natural immunity, almost as if the private citizens implementing these policies are not making independent decisions at all, but are rather doing just what they were programmed to do - against all logic, reason and medical understanding - almost as if they are under deep mind control, one might even say a hypnotic trance of sorts.

The media programming appears to have been quite effective, indeed; but as many as are under the Covid Cult spell, there are just as many who have broken free from the programming, at least to some degree; and it is for this reason and this reason only that mandates, discrimination, shaming, and all the other coercive tactics being rolled out are even needed at all. And this informs us that in the battleground of the mind, they have already lost, and so they are now turning to increasingly coercive tactics as they continue to turn the pressure up on the millions who dare resist. And when such pressure campaigns fail in their coercion attempts, well, they can backfire, and now we are seeing just such a fiasco play out before our very eyes.

Vaccination campaign stalls out, as mandates bring entire healthcare system to the brink of collapse

Here in America, students and nurses were among the first to be subject to the new ‘vaccine’ mandates, as universities and medical centers were the first major institutions to begin widely mandating the injections. About 60% of US nurses initially declined to accept the experimental injections, along with half of all US military servicemen and women, many of whom remain staunchly opposed to receiving the shot. Employee mandates in hospitals are becoming increasingly common in the industry’s desperate attempt to coerce the unwilling nurses into taking the jab, however a very large number of these nurses - a majority it would seem - are opting to walk out of their jobs rather than subject themselves to this mass human experiment.

Mandates are not the only tactics used to coerce the unwilling or ‘vaccine hesitant’ into compliance, either, with nurses in many of the healthcare facilities that are not yet officially mandating vaccination nonetheless often subject to intense and relentless pressure, this in turn leading to extreme psychological duress; and these tactics are sometimes successful at coercing otherwise hesitant or unwilling workers to comply with the dictates of the industry. This was in fact the case for my sister, a Tennessee nurse, who, after initially opting to forego her vaccination opportunity in large part due to hearing so many first and second hand accounts of severe side effects witnessed by fellow nurses, and then following months of the subsequent pressure combined with assurances that vaccination would lead to the option to stop masking, she gave in, and regretted it from the moment she took the second dose of the Moderna shot.

This is not only because she was required to continue masking, but also because of the onset of severe illness that same day, a common adverse effect experienced by so many, which she described as feeling like she was going to die for nearly an entire day, soon followed by flu-like illness that lasted a good week. She and many others in similar situations - both 1st and 2nd dose recipients - are adamant in their insistence that they will absolutely not under any circumstances take any future dose of this mRNA injection, ever. This resistance coming from initial recipients will pose an additional hurdle to the Biden Administration’s goal of forcing a third dose of the injection on present recipients, now a major new component of the ongoing vaccination campaign.

So many nurses are choosing unemployment over injection, in fact, or finding other jobs without such mandates, that the healthcare industry is now facing a severe nationwide shortage of staff.

“Iowa hospitals, nursing homes face widespread nursing shortage,” KCCI 8 reported on September 8, “ICU nurse warns low staffing threatens patient safety,” an Orlando Sentinal headline from late last month reads, “Central Coast hospitals struggle with nurse shortages,” New Times reported on the same day; and in California, where the ‘vaccine’ requirements are now becoming universal thanks to state mandate, nurse shortages just continue to rise, The Daily Journal reported on September 3.

Most mainstream outlets summarily ignore the truth that this crippling shortage is in large part due to the rejection of the injection by so many of the country’s nurses, but it remains a self-evident reality, and for its part The Daily Journal took notice.

But burnout isn’t the only thing compounding California’s nursing shortage: The state’s new vaccine mandate for health care workers is already causing headaches for understaffed hospitals before it is even implemented. Some traveling nurses — who are in high demand nationwide — are turning down California assignments because they don’t want to get vaccinated.

Widespread resistance to the ongoing vaccination campaign among America’s frontline workers, including nearly half of American nurses refusing to be coerced into compliance even when threatened with loss of their jobs, and the tyrannical vaccination coercion campaign responsible for this madness, is creating an unprecedented crisis leaving the entire healthcare industry on the verge of collapse.


“Among front-line nurses,” one hospital administrator cited by Bloomberg “estimates vaccination rates hover around 50%.” US nursing homes do not see a much higher compliance rate either: “Only about 62 percent of nursing home and long term care facility staff are fully or partially vaccinated nationally, according to federal data compiled by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS),” The Hill reported on September 4.

“Some hospitals are foregoing vaccine mandates to avert staffing shortages,” Fortune Daily reveals, and yet despite the dire nature of the situation, many are not, as by the end of August some 39% of all US hospitals had already announced mandates for their staff, and that number only continues to grow by the day as pressure from all sides continues to mount.

The presstitute propagandists, for their part, blame the shortages exclusively on ‘Delta’ and absolutely anything and everything but hospital mandates and the fact that apparently nearly 50% of US nurses are willing to walk out of their jobs rather than be coerced into receiving this highly contentious experimental injection, as seen by an August 21 New York Times headline.


The detailed NYT piece somehow managed to avoid even so much as a single mention of widespread hospital staff refusal to be, but it does reveal the gravity of the situation caused by this suppressed reality, that insisting on pushing these ‘vaccine’ mandates on a largely unwilling workforce is a very dangerous and deadly policy indeed.

“When hospitals are understaffed, people die,” the director of the Health Workforce Research Center at George Washington University said.

This insane and tyrannical medical apartheid is leading straight to the collapse of entire hospital systems. “In Mississippi,” NYT informs us, where the author can only manage to point to rising ‘coronavirus cases’ but elsewhere reveals that statewide vaccination rate sits barely above 33%, “health officials are warning that the state’s hospital system is on the verge of collapse.” That low statewide vaccination rate is likely to roughly mirror the rate of refusal among the state’s healthcare workers, and if over half to two thirds of unwilling nurses are being required to take the injection or lose their jobs, such hospitals will obviously hardly have enough staff left to even keep their doors open. No wonder the state’s hospital system is on the verge of collapse!

Elsewhere, a Houston man even had to wait an entire week before one of the country’s largest hospital systems was able to admit him for surgery. Meanwhile, Peter Buerhaus, “an expert on the economics of the nursing work force at Montana State University,” issued a dire warning, and NYT describes the root of this growing problem as a fast accelerating mass “exodus” of workers.

“I’m raising the yellow flag because a sudden withdrawal of so many experienced nurses would be disastrous for hospitals,” he said.

Many experts fear the exodus will accelerate as the pandemic drags on and burnout intensifies [and mandates increase].

The problem is not hospital space, this much is made clear, but rather a severe shortage of nurses, caused by a mass exodus of healthcare workers, both ongoing and increasing in scope by the day, which is taking place in vary large part because the medical establishment refuses to back down from its insane totalitarian approach to incentivizing ‘vaccine’ uptake through coercion by mandate.

This is a confirmation of the reality portrayed by Erin Olszewski; the medical establishment is as corrupt as it is sold out to Big Pharma, and prioritizes profit and politically driven agendas over human life; while the Hippocratic oath - “First do no harm” - has been twisted into, “first, coerce everyone into taking the wildly unpopular experimental injection the ‘experts’ claim may potentially reduce future risk,” and then watch the world burn. The very medical establishment pushing this ‘vaccine’ in the name of public health appears to be sold out to this mad agenda to such a degree that these despotic sellouts are willing to sacrifice their ability to give critical medical care to countless patients in urgent need of help all across the country, for no other reason than to advance a politically motivated vaccination campaign that is as unsuccessful as it is profitable, by mandating the shot to a workforce they absolutely know is largely unwilling to comply; and in doing so, they are knowingly and willingly putting both the health and the lives of many thousands of Americans on the line.

If there is anything which clearly demonstrates beyond doubt that those advancing this agenda do not in any way actually care about the public health they so frequently give idle lip service to, then this is it. As they are beginning to reveal, they are willing to stop at nothing to maintain the advancement of this campaign, and yet they are in large part currently failing miserably.

But the sleeping masses buy into the propaganda, and blame it all on Covid and ‘Delta’ and those damn ‘anti-vaxxers’ who are at fault for it all; and they cheer on the mandates and the discrimination, and welcome medical apartheid with open arms.

Mandates are freedom, they continue to say, because you can just go find another job, see another doctor, take your business elsewhere, or (in some cases) take a costly weekly or bi-weekly ethylene oxide (poison) coated test to avoid the jab. It’s all for your safety, and if you don’t like it, you’re totally free to just shut up and take the jab and make the rest of us feel a whole lot safer, and then we can all get our freedom back. It’s really all about freedom, can’t you see?

But is it still ‘freedom’ when judges use their power to make vaccination a condition for prisoner release, or when a black robed tyrant strips a parent of child custody based solely on vaccination status?

Because this is exactly the sort of institutionalized discrimination we are already beginning to see in courts across this country, a whole new brand of judicial tyranny, the next level of mandavaxx mania, making its debut right here in the ‘land of the free’.

Medical apartheid in the courts

In a sensational story that sparked outrage across the country, an Illinois mother was actually stripped of her child custody by a Cook County judge solely due to her vaccination status.


The day was August 10, it was a routine virtual shared custody hearing, and the divorced mother expected the focus to be on expenses and child support. But Judge James Shapiro had a different idea, and out of the blue, right at the onset of the hearing, he asked Rebecca Firlit if she was vaccinated.

One of the first things he asked me … was whether or not I was vaccinated,” Firlit, 39, told the Chicago Sun-Times.
She was not, she said, explaining that she has had “adverse reactions to vaccines in the past” and that a doctor advised her against getting vaccinated against the coronavirus.
“It poses a risk,” she added.

The judge didn’t care, and despite having no relevance to the issues for which the hearing was being held, he immediately blocked her from seeing her 11 year old son until she got fully vaccinated, in truly dictatorial fashion.

“I was confused because it was just supposed to be about expenses and child support,” she told the Sun-Times. “I asked him what it had to do with the hearing, and he said, ‘I am the judge, and I make the decisions for your case.’”

The judge then revoked her custody of her son until she was fully vaccinated.

And although the father was vaccinated, Firlet’s attorney points out that he didn’t bring up the issue.

The father did not even bring this issue before the court,” Fernholz said. “So it’s the judge on his own and making this decision that you can’t see your child until you’re vaccinated.”

The judge did eventually reverse his order, but the case sets a terrifyingly dangerous precedent; and although it appears to be the first decision of its kind, it is not in fact unprecedented. It turns out that Judges across the nation have adopted both the carrot and the stick approach as a part of their vaccination coercion programs. From sentence reductions in exchange for vaccination to injections being mandated as a condition of prisoner release, the same methods of bribery and threats being widely used throughout society have now worked their way into America’s courtrooms.

Judges in other states have granted lesser sentences to defendants who opt to get vaccines, or mandated the vaccine as a condition of release from prison for some inmates. A judge in the 19th Judicial District Court in East Baton Rouge offered some defendants the option of getting vaccinated instead of completing community service hours.

Not an isolated tactic either, this bastardization of justice is now beginning to permeate the US [In]Justice System.

Two judges in Ohio have also ordered that some people receive the vaccine as a condition of their probation. Similarly, two Georgia judges are reducing sentences for some offenders who get a vaccine. In New York, judges in the Bronx and Manhattan have ordered defendants to get a vaccine as part of their rehabilitation and as a condition for seeking bail, respectively.


This ongoing vaccination coercion campaign is not leaving one corner of society untouched, and as can be clearly seen, this march to mandatory vaccination only continues to accelerate, as the whole world continues its slide into the medical apartheid of our future. It’s coming fast, and if we don’t stand up and stop it now, it will be here to stay, and it will not go away. If this is not the future we wish to leave to future generations, it’s up to us to make it stop, because at this point every inch we give them is an inch we’ll likely never get back, so we best start drawing lines in the sand, lest freedom be soon forgot.

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