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Coronavirus Files – January 2021

Coronavirus Files - Januar 2021-4835301_1920.jpg

Since the very beginning of the ‘vaccination’ operation, results were going from terrible to attrocious – with the maximum efforts of the corporate media to hide the truth with an unprecedented level of global censorship…

Global censorship was so obviously highly coordinated, that people started rebelling against medical dictatorship all over the World. The results are still not worth mentioning…

Creating an archive of Coronavirus texts in English and Serbian will not only allow evidence of the greatest global hoax to remain on the blockchain platform, but will also make it easier to search for all the evidences of a Hoax.

Timeline is going from the bottom of the text up.

161. Coronavirus Hoax in the Open [eng/срп] Коронапревара на чистини (Jan. 30th)

The complete disintegration of the world’s governments ‘health care’ towards the population was revealed by Karen Pierce, the British ambassador to the United Nations, who recently openly stated in an interview for Bloomberg television that China and Russia Must Not Be Post-Covid Winners. Putting the Corona crisis in the context of geopolitics is an open recognition that this is not a health crisis, but a tool in an attempt to conquer the world.

Corporate media are hiding that Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe has adopted a ‘soothing’ resolution No. 2361 of 27 January entitled “Covid-19 vaccines: ethical, legal and practical considerations” requiring Member States to “ensure that citizens are informed that the vaccination is NOT mandatory and that no one is politically, socially, or otherwise pressured to get themselves vaccinated, if they do not wish to do so themselves;” (point 7.3.1).

160. Србија – Црни биланс коронапреваре у 2020. (Serbian – Jan. 26th)

Стигао је и црни биланс коронапреваре у Србији. Увидом у резултате види се да је смртност од респираторних болести у 2020. била на нивоу годишњег просека, али је зато због непружања неопходне медицинске неге у тој години умрло од свих других болести чак 10.000 људи више од просека! Одговарајућа реч за ово није ‘срамота’, већ – злочин!

159. A Boiling Pot [eng/срп] Лонац који кључа (Jan. 26th)

By the end of January, massive protests all over the World makes it clear that the Coronavirus Hoax can be maintained only with brute force…

158. Manipulation with numbers and data (Jan. 22nd)

More Covid manipulation shown on the example of German and Turkish foreign ministers meeting, with two different photos. For the German public they wear masks, for Turkish public they do not wear masks.


Simple truths are in front of your eyes from the very beginning. But they are also hidden in real numbers that the corporate media do not show you in any way, while trying in every way to divert you from them through intimidation. For example, when the plandemic panic was to spread, then the ten deaths in Italian nursing homes sounded like an announcement of the end of the world! When it happens in Norway (with an 11 times smaller population than Italy), where after vaccination of 25,000 people in a very short time we have 23 deaths, mostly in gerontology homes, we get reassuring messages that this is nothing unusual – and only then we get the right statistics.

Well, then let’s deal with the official statistics. The currently estimated size of the world’s population is just over 7.84 billion people. So, we’ll round the number to an estimated 7.84 billion by January 1st, 2021:

7.840.000.000 / 1.826.917 = 4291,38
One out of 4291 persons or 0,0233%

Let that sink in…

Yes, you read that right: This ‘deadly’ disease kills only one in 4290 people. ‘Vaccines’ are obviously more deadly, while corporate media and their ‘fact-checkers’ still hide the truth revealed by the experts on the alternative media.

Statistical reasons are not the only ones that break the sinister vaccination scam. This can also be seen through the ‘control population’ of asylum seekers entering the European Union and the UK living in appalling circumstances.

Eva Herman, a former TV presenter, exposed the fraud by publishing a message on the Telegram with the collected ‘answers’ of the government to the most frequent questions about vaccination.

157. ‘Добровољна вакцинација’ и одузимање слободе (Serbian – Jan. 21st)

Једноставне истине налазе вам се пред очима од самог почетка. Скривене су у реалним бројевима које вам корпоративни медији никако не показују, и на све начине покушавају да вам с њих скрену пажњу застрашивањем. На пример, кад је требало ширити пландемијску панику, онда је десет умрлих у Италијанским старачким домовима звучала као најава смака света! Кад се у Норвешкој (са 11 пута мањом популацијом од Италије) деси да после вакцинације 25.000 људи у врло кратком року имамо 23 смртна случаја, углавном у домовима за старе, добијамо умирујуће поруке да то није ништа неуобичајено и тек онда добијамо праву статистику.

А на глобалном нивоу имамо статистику на основу извештаја Универзитета Џон Хопкинс.

‘Ужасна’ 2020. година завршена је са око 1.800.000 наводно преминулих од вируса на читавом свету. Прецизније, број преминулих на дан 31. децембра 2021. био је 1.826.917.


Занемарићемо чак и чињеницу да се тим бројевима страховито манипулише као што је то описао судија и члан хрватског Сабора Мислав Колакушић, и претпоставићемо да је тај број ипак тачан. Па, да се онда позабавимо званичном статистиком. Тренутно процењена величина светске популације креће се нешто преко 7,84 милијарде људи. Дакле, заокружићемо број на претпостављених 7.84 милијарде до 1. јануара 2021:

7.840.000.000 / 1.826.917 = 4291,38
Једна од 4291 особе или 0,0233%

Да, добро сте прочитали: Ова ‘смртоносна’ болест убија тек једног међу 4290 људи. Јесте да вирус још нико није изоловао и да се још не може доказати да је било која од тих 1.826.917 особа заиста жртва баш тог вируса а не нечег другог, али чак и да се преварантима верује на реч, злочиначки је на овако малој смртности уводити сурове мере одузимања слободе, мере уништења привреде, и практично, елиминације истински болесних људи којима је због корона театра ускраћена неопходна медицинска помоћ.

Др Јована Стојковић још једном указује на бесправно гурање сулуде политике насилног вакцинисања док у Британији и Србији, у ‘контролној популацији’ – међу избеглицама – ковида уопште нема упркос томе што живе у камповима у ужасавајућим околностима…

Ева Херман, бивша ТВ водитељка, разобличила је превару објавивши на Телеграму поруку са сакупљеним ‘одговорима’ владе на најчешћа питања о ‘вакцинацији’.

156. Covid-19 Vaccine Side Effects World Map [eng/срп] Мапа света с нежељеним ефектима ковид-19 вакцине (Jan. 20th)

For almost a year, ‘Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at Johns Hopkins University (JHU)’ at its COVID-19 Dashboard has pumping a false, unproven and unprovable data in an obvious support to the global ‘pandemic’ panic. For a short time we had a Covid-19 Vaccine Side Effects World Map, but then VAERS and EUDRA published much worse ‘vaccine’ data.

Also see member of the Croatian Parliament a Judge, Mislav Kolakušić, insisting on an objective data.

155. The New (ab)Normal [eng/срп] Нова (не)нормалност (Jan. 19th)

The appearance of the ‘New World’ shaped by coronavirus hoax is no longer a secret. However, the ‘masons’ of that new world describe it through philanthropic euphemisms to disguise the preparation of true hell… The movie desribing it – called ‘New normal’ – was taken down from YouTube, but you can still find it at BitChute.com and odysee.com

154. Between Pfizer and Moderna [eng/срп] Између Фајзера и Модерне (Jan. 18th)

The first official data of the ‘vaccines’ efficacy are coming, and they are terrible. What did the CDC do about it? Stopped publishing further data! In the meantime, we got the official document from California which says that testing of the Moderna ‘vaccine’ has never been completed!

153. Pfizer Vaccine: Consequences in Serbia [eng/срп] Фајзерове вакцине: последице у Србији (Jan. 17th)

By some mistake, N1 television in Serbia in the morning show on January 14th, very aptly called ‘Wake up’, reported that after the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccination, of 156 residents of the Gerontology Center in Šabacb, which was performed on December 31st, 2020, the health situation in that center deteriorated sharply. By January 14th, out of 156 of them, 125 residents and 20 employees were infected with coronavirus! We never again have heard what has happened with those people.

152. Pfizer Vaccine Death Toll [eng/срп] Жртве Фајзерове вакцине (Jan. 15th)

The first results of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccination arrived – the Norwegian State Agency for Medicines announced that from December 27, 2020 to January 14, 2021, 25,000 were vaccinated – 23 of them died. One in 1000. Without a ‘vaccine’ in 2020, death rate was one in 4300…

151. Ask the Censored Experts [eng/срп] Питајте цензурисане стручњаке (Jan. 14th)

The events at Capitol Hill from January 6th were a trigger for a global media censorship onslaught. A spectacular action included the removal of entire platforms open to anyone who no longer trusts the corporate media. Still, an international group of scientists, doctors, medical workers and investigative journalists who have long been censored on YouTube, found enough free media to present their findings, the other side of the story that you will not hear from the TV screen, and destroy the Coronavirus Hoax…

150. Suddendeaths [eng/срп] Изненадне смрти (Jan. 9th)

Reports of deaths after vaccination are piling on the social media, but they are barely mentioned in the corporate media. British ‘Daily Mail’ was an exception on January 8th… Reports are coming from all over the World with dominant Pfizer/BioNTech ‘vaccine’.

149. Vaccine Experiment [eng/срп] Вакцина као експеримент (Jan. 5th)

Even early data, and an official FDA report are showing that Pfizer’s ‘vaccination’ fraud were more harmful than disease itself! However, that did not stop the FDA from issuing emergency authorization for use to Pfizer, nor did it stop Pfizer to inject their garbage to you renouncing responsibility with your consent. The form is entitled “Consent to participate in using COVID-19 Vaccine under Emergency Use Authorization in UAE”…

148. A Hospital ‘Disaster’ [eng/срп] ‘Катастрофа’ у болницама (Jan. 4th)

Another propagandistic blunder reveals Coronavirus Hoax – while corporate media are brimming of scaremongering propaganda (‘people are dying in overcrowded hospitals and doctors fall off their feet working’), we can see all those ‘noble’ medics practicing choreography for the Jerusalema dance! That is why they have no time to report on the great Vienna protests against the medical dictatorship on January 3rd, or to call a real frontline medic, like dr Luis de Benito, and ask him for the true situation…

147. Lockdown Forever? [eng/срп] Закључавање заувек? (Jan. 3rd)

While Karl Lauterbach, a member of parliament from the ranks of the German Social Democratic Party, threatens that personal freedoms should be sacrificed in the fight against global warming, Professor Valentin Yuryevich Katasonov, Doctor of Economics, President of the Russian Economic Society ‘S.F. Sharapov’, explains the true aims of ‘The Great Reset’ presented in the book of Klaus Schwab and Thierry Malleret.

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Archived Coronavirus Files – August 2020

Archived Coronavirus Files – July 2020

Archived Coronavirus Files – June 2020

Archived Coronavirus Files – May 2020

Archived Coronavirus Files – April 2020

Archived Coronavirus Files – March 2020

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