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ecoTrain Question Of The Week #7.8: What Aren't People Talking Enough About?

It's one thing for something to be talked about and its another thing for what is being talked about to have an effect.

A whole lot of things are being talked about nowadays but a lot of things are not producing results.

The campaign on mental health has been on since the 90's but yet the rate at which people die of conditions relating to mental health is still increasing up until today.

Then, there is this generation which is my generation who do not believe in going through the process. All they want is the result.

In my country, you hear crazy things people do to get money just to avoid the process of doing things the right way.

The funny thing is the amount of religious bodies in the country.

Nigeria might have the highest number of churches compared to any other country in the world however, the immorality in the country is rising per second.

Its rising in the government sector, among the youths and even in the so-called churches.

Now what could be the problem?

I guess the question is not the topic of the post so that will be for another post.

So what are people talking enough about?


Some weeks ago, I decided to mentor some people on hive. This was because I felt a lot of people would benefit from being on hive and also because doing this makes me happy.

To my surprise, a lot of them were expecting to make a hundred dollar without putting in any effort.

It was really saddening.

Another thing happened.

I visited a friend and she was like she wanted to make money be it legal or not.

She went on to say that the most important thing is that the money is made.

At this point, I was in a mix of feelings between confusion and pity.

It is interesting to note that a lot of people are focused on the result rather than the process.

This is where most problems lie in my opinion.

If a doctor doesn't go through proper training and eventually gets a license, he is only going t cause more problems along the line.

This also goes to people who try to make fast money without going through the process of working, investing and making smart money decisions.

The problem is that when the money is made, the money is used for things that are not necessary and at the end of the end of the day, there is a really huge void.

What does this void eventually lead to? It leads to a lot of things of which depression is the most important on the list.

If for any reason, the result is taken, most of them do a lot of things to get it back and this worsens the whole case.

Take someone who made money from scamming people or ponzis and loses all the money, his natural response will either to find more people to scam or find more ponzi schemes.

Now if he fails at it repeatedly, frustration sets in.

After frustration, depression sets in.

This is why most people who are into scams, do a lot of things at the expense of their life.

It's no news that people have used their parents for rituals to get money and at a point when they don't have who to use for rituals, they eventually run mad and eventually take their life.

Another thing that seems to bother me is the fact that there are a lot of people who are rich and successful but are failures in their own eyes.
I mean people who actually went through the process but yet feel empty.

This is why when I hear how very wealthy take their life, it bothers me.

So what is the problem? I think they fail to meet the purpose of their existence.

When there is result but no purpose, there is this emptiness that cannot be filled.

You must have heard that money is a great tool but a bad master.

A lot of people get it wrong by looking for money and forgetting that there are more important things than money.

Some people chase after money and forget simple things like family, spirituality, morals, fun and even health.

The true cause of depression is when life is lived without a purpose.

Living a life of purpose is one way of conquering depression and yes there are other ways to conquer depression but this is one important way.

We need to talk more about process for living purposefully as this is the main root of most problems in this generation.

We need to talk more about the why we are living on earth.

Process, Result and Purpose; the order for happiness in my opinion.

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