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EcoTrain Question Of The Week: What is intimacy to you? Do you need it to be happy "Participation"


I would Like to thank @ecotrain first for give us a chance to write about that topic.

I would like to present my participation in the ecoTrain Question Of The Week.
What is intimacy to you? Do you need it to be happy? How do you fulfill your intimacy needs .. especially during COVID19?

The home quarantine period was difficult for everyone, and we had to find something to remove from us the depression and boredom that came suddenly without any introduction.
In the beginning, you had to convince yourself that it is necessary to coexist and adapt to the situation regardless of developments, so I began to search for familiarity that might help in overcoming this crisis.

The games

Nothing but Playstation games can waste time and help with entertainment.
Although I wasn't interested in games lately, I found myself downloading games from websites.
I started playing FIFA Online, which is the best way to communicate with the outside world and have fun at the same time
It was the best thing to do in home quarantine when I was bored by boredom, opening the game to play online.
Among the other games that you have tried in Resident Evil is that interesting game full of horror that makes you forget the world around you and focus on the next danger that surrounds you.
Of course, I didn't forget trying car games, so I played NFS and Horizon, and it was fun too.
Pubg is also a game that occupies part of the time throughout the day where you can talk with others, make new friends and fight a fun war.



In fact, after the passage of time, I found that taking advantage of that period is better than wasting it in games and that you can learn something new during that period.
I started watching some free YouTube courses.
As I started learning the 3d Max design course at the beginning, but I found it very difficult, as you must have basic engineering.
So I said to myself why we don't start learning a new language, and French was the first thing I started, and I actually learned although I did not master it, but we learned the basics in it.

Movies and series

We can not forget the wonderful series Breaking Bad, which I enjoyed at home quarantine, although the series is boring at times due to the length of the series, but we must raise the hat for the genius by Vince Gilligan in directing that wonderful work.
And the most thing that made me happy and fun is some of the great movies that I watched, and they were among the best films I have seen in my life, including the wonderful movie The Platefrom and The Invisible Man.

The period passed quickly but it left an impression that would last a lifetime.


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Thank You

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