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QOTW#7-1.What if a Genie gave you the chance to Reinvent the yourself.


I am glad to have this question on my table but I am not going to talk much about this but my simple wish.

I have a lot in mind and sometimes the beach help me out with some of my thoughts. The problem I see around me and the world is the reason of my wishes but one wish is been given.

Early morning my Dad woke me up to prepare and leave for farm and was sad but as the saying goes "no food for a lazy man" and can't disrespet my Dad for any reason. What a long day of tideos work and was coming back home, here was an old woman with three legs (walking with a stick) my son so she said and I became scared who could she be calling me her son? an old woman to be my great grandmother so I went closer to look at the woman who has no teeth and can't walk 5km to home. She said to me please help me with my load and all I saw was log of heavy woods, hmmm I am tired as I thought intently and wonder within me how she manage to cut the log of woods, I decided to help and as we get close to my village settlement she stop and demand we both rest now. We settle under a mango tree beside the road and she said to me, thank you so much my son please make a wish and it will come through. I became So deep in thoughts and finally ma "I want every man to think positive to leave in peace"
So shall it be, replied grandmother and she disappear and never so her again. I ran for my life as fast as horse could run. Immediately after I got home terrify both my wish came through as every man thoughts in my community was to build each other and in turn build the world.

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