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Spirituality Vs Technology

Mr Jackson has always been bent on making life better for him and his family. Being a fisher man in the 16th century wasn't quite easy. There was no appropriate tools for fishing. After spending so many hours to capture small amount fish, you will end up selling at a low price because most people didn't eat fish.


Things wasn't so easy for Mr Jackson. This frustration made him grow a hot temper always getting angry at every slightest situation. He also formed a habit of beating his wife whenever she got him angry. Despite this, Mr Jackson never failed to put food on the table for his family.

Mr Jackson spent his quiet time thinking of ways to use the available resources to make life easier. Deep down he believed that one day he would make a great breakthrough that will change the world.

One day, he was carrying his basket of fishes on his head as he climbed the hill that led to the market. He was so deep in thought that he didn't see a rock which made him stumble and fall spilling the fishes on the floor. He was so angry that he started hitting and cursing himself. An old man passing by walked up to him and said.

"Young man, is this how you deal with your anger?"

"Mind your business old man." Mr Jackson replied.

"That is not how you talk to your elder. Follow me and I'll teach you a better way to manage your anger."

Mr Jackson out of curiosity decided to follow the old man. It was on this day that he embarked on a journey of spirituality. The Old man thought him how to use meditation to control his anger. How to clear his mind and seek inner peace. Mr Jackson was forever grateful to this unknown old man.

After this encounter, he didn't spend his time thinking as usual, rather he would meditate and reflect on the true meaning of life. This helped him clear his mind and it gave him brilliant ideas as well. One day, as he meditated he came up with a unique idea. This idea gave him a major breakthrough in his years research to make work and life easier.

With the help of his spirituality practices, he became a better person. Instead of cursing when things go wrong, he would think of ways to Make things better. This led him to manufacture certain tools for work. He constructed a hook and line for fishing to make fishing much fun. He constructed Carts to make carrying his goods up the hill easier. Slowly technology started creeping into his life.


Mr Jackson became very popular because of his discoveries. People would come to him to purchase the tools he has constructed. He was always willing to share ideas with people on how to make their work easier. This made Mr Jackson and his family to be elevated from poverty.

Sadly when Mr Jackson discovered technology, he started letting go of his spirituality practices. He told himself that he didn't need spirituality anymore, besides he was too busy with his research and work.

With time, he started going back to his old ways, started getting angry regularly, beating his wife and all that. Also GE started losing concentration in his work. Despite the fact that his family wasn't poor anymore, he AK m still wanted more wealth. The wine M time he usually spends for spirituality practices was spent thinking of ways to accumulate more wealth.

In my opinion, I think some people practice spirituality when they need to achieve a certain goal, and when they have achieved this goal, they abandon Spirituality.

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