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ecoTrain Question Of The Week S6 #6: Who Are The Most Relevant People Of Our Time To You?

This is my participation in this week's @ecotrain question. I admit that the question has caused me an impact that awakened in me the curiosity about who is the most relevant person for me, that is to say, I normally had not been interested in knowing who is the most relevant person in my life, famous or not, and undoubtedly it has brought me certain unknowns.


I can tell you that for me the most relevant people would be the doctors, even more in this time; who with effort and dedication manage every day to discover different ways to achieve the improvement of each one of their patients....
It is admirable how they manage to achieve stability during this Covid-19 pandemic, a virus that has caused multiple deaths and catastrophes around the world for two years now. Doctors are forced to deal with a new species of virus and a rampant number of victims.

In Venezuela, doctors are being squeezed even more with the arrival of the chaotic virus because despite the shortage of medicines or the high cost of those available, doctors have had to create new natural ways in which to combat the virus.


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I am inspired by each one of them, those heroes in white coats that despite not having the salary they should, their humanitarian work, their empathy and their love for what they do is what drives them to go forward every day, whatever it takes, risking their lives without any more importance than that of their patients.

I have met doctors who live far away from the hospital and for lack of cash to pay for their transportation they decide to walk and travel more kilometers than they can think of, I have also met doctors who even at 60 years old continue to practice their career with the same love and passion as when they started.

Despite how exposed they are in the hospitals or directly caring for an infected patient they continue to perform their daily work without rest, many times due to lack of personnel (because the virus has captured them and made them die) they have to cover 3 to 5 shifts in a row in the area where they work or even cover areas outside of their own.


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How can they not be a worthy source of inspiration? If they work daily for the good of each of their patients, they dedicate their whole life to know how to face diseases and save the world like a superhero. They do not stop studying to always be informed not only of the already known diseases but also the updates of new ones as is the case of covid-19.

Every day an unfortunate loss of another doctor due to the virus, loss of nurses who also undoubtedly help us to fight this pandemic and are of great importance as well as doctors.

I understand that there are a myriad of celebrities that many would call more relevant, but for me I still choose the doctors.

I am 23 years old and live in Venezuela.


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