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The word beauty is something we are all used to say or hear, they talk about how beautiful a person's face can be or how beautiful their personality can be; but most only focus on the beauty of the human being and their physique, it is something very superficial.


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Beauty to me is the way we can see something that seems pleasing to our eyes, brings us a sense of peace or joy just by looking at it.

For me beauty abounds everywhere, most people fail to perceive it because their attention is not the right one. People live in a bubble where the only thing beautiful for them is someone else's physique or their own; they don't realize how wrong they are and how much they are missing.


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If you just look around you can notice the beauty of a new day, full of light, full of life, with birds singing all day, if you just look around you can notice the beauty of the trees dancing and often singing with the passing wind, you can see the beauty of the night, the moon in its most splendid form, see how beautiful the stars are and you can be mesmerized by the peace they transmit.

If we were to stop for a moment and observe the things around us, we would realize that the world that many believe to be sad, gray and dull, is full of joy, colors and love.

Beauty is not only objects or things that can be touched, it is not like that, beauty can also be the kindness of a person, the love they give, their kindness, the smile on the face of a child, the embrace between an elderly couple, the singing of a mother to her child, the joy on the face of the relatives of a cured patient, the gratitude of people, the welcome of a dog to its owner.


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Beauty can appear in the eyes of an old man joyful to see his family complete for Christmas, the beauty of a new mother holding her young child for the first time, the beauty of the animals God created, the beauty of a song dedicated to love. We all know beauty in one form or another and each of those forms however different they may be still shine and radiate the purest of beauty.

When I am asked about beauty, I think of nature and its diversity of shapes, colors and smells, I think of animals and their innocence, I think of love and its phases, I think of life and the universe.


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