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I just finished reading a terrific post by our friend @plantstoplanks. Her positivity came right through the screen and it changed my headspace. Thanks. I can see why you were so successful in transitioning to on-line training. Bravo!

Now onto the 5 positives that happened during covid19.

First thing that popped into my head was knocking on wood everyday that the phone didn't ring with bad news. I have yet to hear that anyone in my family has tested positive. And I have a large extended family. KNOCK KNOCK.

Number two would have to be where I live. We call it our farm, our homestead. It's such a beautiful and peaceful place. We can enjoy the outdoors, ride our bikes(atv), grow our food, enjoy nurturing our flower beds, swim in the pond, go fishing, watch the birds, explore the woods. At night, we get big sky, no light pollution, so when the moon and stars come out, sitting on the deck and relaxing our heads back to gaze is awesome.

The hubby's hobby. #3

Now this deck I was just referring to, was just built in May .We are generally planning our annual trip to the Jersey shore around this time, but no dice this year. Instead we used the money we would have spent on vacation for a new deck. It was an extension added to our front porch. The hubster literally built it all by himself. I may have helped a few hours, but I am generally just the gopher. He worked 12 hour days and completed it in record time, the whole time with a big smile on his face. The man loves working with wood in any shape or form.

Daughter of mine...💖 #4

My youngest child is female, never thought that would happen after giving birth to three sons, very close in age.
But it's true. #4... My daughter just turned 30 on November 7th.
Hard to believe, time just flies when it's measured in your child's life.

With covid going around and many places closed, my daughter started crafting to help fill the time that was usually spent with friends and family. She knits and crochets, draws, and colors. She makes wall hangings, all kind of wonderful gifts .
Now this year she has been in to designing logos to make t-shirts for the family. First she designs the logo on paper, then uses a printer with special plastic "paper" then somehow layers in the design which is then cut and ironed on to the shirt.
Really cool stuff.


Did you notice "Wear your helmet"? That slogan has been in our family since the boys started riding bikes. But now it's sort of every time I say "be carful", "don't speed" or anything cautionary, the reply is "wear your Helmet"...😁


My daughter makes me happy in everyway , always so thoughtful, energy to the max, smiling all the time. I think we did a great job with her. There's that gratitude again.

Oh, by the way, Erica is also a terrific athlete. Her name is on the gym wall of her high school for scoring over 1000 points in basketball. Brother @ryan313 name is there also.

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Now to #5...which really could and should be number ONE.

Gratitude in a big way. It seems I took for granted all the blessings that I have, well maybe not taken for granted, more of a deeper appreciation for those blessings.

Our health is top of that list. Some say happily married people live longer with a better quality of life. I believe that to be true, after being married for so long I have come to see just how fortunate I am to have a hubby like I do. He's definitely a glass half full kinda guy. Me at times, not so much, I'm a worry wart.

But ,I am learning to be more positive and have faith that things will be ok. @thebigsweed has a lot to do with that renewed mindset, always there's some silver lining in his mind. I'm catching on.😏
So far this virus and all that comes along with it, like not seeing family and friends, losing jobs or just getting really sick hasn't breeched our moat yet. KNOCK KNOCK

Sending best wishes to all who ride the @ecotrain.

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