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In what ways is living off grid the answer to the many consequences of coronavirus?

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It's obvious, the world is overpopulated and man's activities are harming the earth's natural ecosystems. In so many African countries in the past including Nigeria we use to have what we call the rural to urban migration but in 2020 there's been a legitimate cause to revert back to urban to rural migration and this is the pandemic that threatens end us; covid-19. You see back to overpopulation, living off the grid is the only way to reduce overpopulation, we all know that overpopulation will aid the spread of any pandemic and in the case of Corona virus it isn't different that's why countries with mostly modernized cities and plenteous numbers have more cases of covid-19 for example; Italy, China. But then what's do we really mean by 'living off the grid"? First of all, living off the grid means giving up a luxurious modernization setting to live in a much more natural habitat that might not have electricity, internet or other aspects or wants of convenience.

So basically living off the grid will help a person to isolate properly because one of the consequences of covid-19 is that it threatens our health and freedom of expression; expressions like being with family, going about our daily lives, enjoying a Peaceful walk down the road and many more. During the lockdown most people were stuck Indoors and the virus still spread it all boiled down to the fact that no one could freely move without putting other people in danger. So many people have suffered loneliness and depression from not being sick from covid-19 but being deprived of coming in contact with their loved ones. So while covid-19 has health consequence, it presents mental and psychological consequences too and this proves that something like totally going away, living the city and the people into a more densely populated place can actually placated these consequences.

This is where living off the grid comes in. Another consequence is financial consequences. Living off the grid can of course be cheaper. If you look around you'll discover that people are losing their jobs, companies are running into bankruptcy and retrenching workers and of course in these times it's necessary for one to take care of his finances because we yet know how far the economic consequences of covid-19 might go or reach and that's why living off the grid will help reduce this financial consequences. Spending less is one of the reason why people go off the grid, sometimes it's difficult to keep up with the expense of living in the grid and out of the many reasons this one would surely be mentioned, less bills to pay, lex government fees, more manual input and of course more creative ways to do things would normally cost money.

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Now living off the grid also takes our mind off the hustles and bustles of the main cities, it can serves as a more serene environment where we can meditate, concentrate and relate more in these troubled times now I said earlier that covid-19 threatens our freedom and by living off the grid we will experience this freedom once more because we would be freer. We live in desperate times and we must go the extra mile to protect ourselves, our families and friends as well. Sometimes all we need to do is to go away live that life away from our usual luxurious, whether we're migrating forever or for just a short time. But for something as serious as covid-19 choosing to live off the grid with one's family will surely foster wholesomeness of the mind and we'd become rejuvenated again relating to nature and it's purest environs.

In conclusion; it's important for us to recognise that covid-19 presents a lot of consequences and this might not really present itself even now. However there's one thing we should have in mind and that's the fact that coming in contact with more people increases our chances of contracting it. I spoke about how overpopulation threatens this. Now living off the grid automatically helps a lot to euphemise these consequences. We must understand how we can relate our mental health to biological health because they intertwine. The government all over the world are doing their part but then we must individually take responsibility and do what's best in our interest.

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My name is @Josediccus, a young Nigerian student who is a Vlogger, A Psychologist, Poet And Sports Writer/Analyst. I'm using my contents as a process to create shared meaning as well as create expressions through which people on/off hive can relate. I believe content is a process to be enjoyed and relished and I'm up for any collaborations in my field stated above. Cheers

@Josediccus, your brother-in-pen & heart

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