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Beauty is as relative as truth and I am reminded of a scene from the cult movie of my youth called "Jesus Christ Superstar" where Pilate asks Jesus what truth is and Jesus replies "Maybe your truth is not my truth".

This dialogue between the two is reflected in some verses of the Bible, but they do not reproduce literally what the film adaptation shows.

The concept of beauty is simple, it says that everything that produces sensory, intellectual or spiritual pleasure can be considered to have the quality to be so and I remember an old saying very popular in my childhood that says "On tastes and flavors have not written the authors".

What is beautiful to someone is ugly to someone else or simply does not appeal to them and there are those who are linear or extreme in that and those who stick to another old saying that variety is the spice of life and do not have a concept or do not pay much attention to the superficiality of beauty.

As if that were not enough, beauty is also mediatic, it is a pattern that is inserted through the media to favor certain products managed by large corporations and this is diversified according to the place and culture to which it is launched.

This is the reason why through the years and the different generations it has been taken as a macho flag to commercialize or stigmatize female bodies and we find ourselves with periods in which obese women were beautiful as opposed to the very thin ones that also had their space in fashion.

And as the concept says, beauty is not only subject to what stimulates the sight, so that the other senses are also protagonists in this fair of sensations and even conjugate and combine to collapse limitations, for example, someone who to the eye seems ugly, can be pleasant to the ear his voice or the smell of his skin attractive and even someone who with his actions is admirable, ends up breaking the visual standards and becomes beautiful.

Everything that is beautiful is pleasant, but to enjoy it we must rid ourselves of many sophisms that society in its constant alienation has been sowing in the minds of people and understand that not everything black is bad and white is good.

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