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The people most relevant to me - ecoTrain Question Of The Week S6#6: WHO ARE THE MOST RELEVANT PEOPLE OF OUR TIME TO YOU?



Talking about people who have been relevant in modern times, whether for scientific, medical, technological, economic or other achievements is somewhat complicated, since subjectivity is present according to the place where the person lives and the negative or positive effects of these.

However, personalizing this opinion to the particular environment of each person becomes easier, but for most people the achievements of these people are only important for them, since they do not transcend beyond.

I live in Venezuela, I am 65 years old and the crisis in the country is public, notorious and communicational, a mixture of many factors that I prefer not to expose, because as I said before, situations tend to be subjective and personal and what is good for some is bad for others.

The world has changed since I was born and nothing is the same in just six decades, so it is undeniable that the 20th and 21st centuries have been explosive, in terms of changes generated by technological advances and in all branches of science and knowledge.

I am a writer and my area of influence is cultural, so I could list many works, authors, pieces of art and what is related to it, but I would run the risk of leaving someone out and I would rotate my selection according to taste or the impact generated in me.

For Catholics John Paul II was a revolutionary who changed the Christian religion, I had the good fortune to see him on two occasions during a visit he made to my country and without a doubt he is a modern icon for those who practice Catholicism, but this is not the opinion of the followers of Sai Baba or other religions.

The Swedish Academy awarded the Nobel Peace Prize to Barack Obama, in spite of the massacres in the Middle East, produced with his consent, Bill Gates and Steve Jobs were the champions of the computer world and everything now revolves around it, as does the manipulation of the genome, cloning, transgenics, the arrival of man on the moon and of satellites to other parts of the cosmos, medical advances that make it possible to increase the longevity of life and so many things that seem to have come out of science fiction in modern times.

There are humans behind this although many claim that they are extraterrestrials and that these for example, transmitted the physical knowledge that Einstein exposed, we have free will and our thinking is sometimes manipulated but one thing is certain, we have a group of people who motivate us and make us move forward.

I am going to go against the grain and express that the most influential people in modern times for me, are not well known, their names will not shine with marquees somewhere, nor will they ever grace the walk of fame in any city in the world since their achievements have been very particular and personal.

They are my family, made up of father, mother, siblings, aunts, grandmothers, wife and children, who have made it possible for me to survive in this hostile world, despite my autistic condition, and have made it possible for me to adapt to it.

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