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🌹 EcoTrain QOTW 7: #3 "WHAT IS BEAUTY?"

Greetings to all members of the EcoTrain community. I believe you have all been waiting for a new week and a new question, just like me. By frequently thinking about topics like this, I realized how much I have matured in these 3-4 years. I started to take some things in life much more seriously.

I often find myself thinking about various life topics during my free time and I am happy to share them with you here in our community.

Many times in my life I have thought about what the word beauty means to me and what it means to other people. I had conversations in my head before, and now I have the opportunity to sit down once more and get to know my understanding of beauty.


Photo credit: @ecotrain

Beauty is all around us, it surrounds us in various things and forms, material and non material things.

In my thinking, beauty is much more than material things, what we see with our own eyes. Unfortunately, when we say beauty, people probably first think of an attractive man or woman. The same thing happens when you type "beauty" into your browser. You will get search results such as beauty standards, make-up, models, actresses... Today, this word is too commercialized and people became obsessed with it.



I am grateful that so many things are available today, such as various beauty salons, beauty services, hairdressers, manicures, pedicures and more.


I think that it has become overestimated and that is exactly what says that people today look more at physical beauty. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against a well-groomed woman or man, but I think people try harder to work on physical attractiveness than on what lies beneath it all, what makes their personality beautiful.

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What beauty means to me?

As I may have said somewhere earlier in the text, for me, beauty is much more than what I see. I find beauty in someone's upbringing, nice manners, calmness, honesty, energy that person possesses, but also by his actions in the environment.

In the past, it often happened to me to "reject" a guy just because he is not attractive to me physically and I don't want to meet him. I had too high a standard of beauty for men and often external beauty would fool me. Over time, I have matured and my understanding of all this has changed significantly. It was like a demon haunting me.

I am much happier now when I have changed my perception. It would happen to me to meet a person who may not be so physically beautiful, no matter male or female, but through talking to him or her and getting to know him / her, I will be overshadowed by his / her personality and that will be the thing that won me over.

So that's what I call real beauty.

On the contrary, it would happen to me to meet a beautiful guy or girl, whose beauty cannot be described in words, but also in time it would all fall into oblivion when I meet their personalities who are not as beautiful as what they show to the world.

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I think we are much richer in what we have inside us than in what people see when they see us, without exchanging a single word with us. That is what connects us with people and creates a pleasant feeling for each other. That is why it is necessary to work on our inner beauty, just as much as we dedicate ourselves to work on our outer beauty.


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